A party of schoolchildren visiting the Iowa botanical garden became part of backdrop for Carly Fiorina’s speech on abortion. Fiorina ushered pre-schoolers into the anti-abortion rally in Des Moines. She directed around 15 young children towards a makeshift stage, where they sat with her in front of a huge banner bearing the image of an unborn foetus. The problem, one parent said, was that the children’s parents had not given Fiorina permission to have their children sit with her while she talked about harvesting organs from aborted babies, they weren't even asked.
The children were there to tour the garden and did not know the political rally was even happening, and likely didn't understand it at all.
MordhausShe is dumber than Palin, which is saying something. I can't find a single redeeming Republican to vote for so I am hoping Bernie beats Hillary in the primaries. Not that it matters much, being in Texas means my vote is going to count for a Republican anyway thanks to our stupid Electoral College.
Hanover_Phistsays...So, lawsuits? If those were my kids, I'd be calling a lawyer because that is some seriously fucked up bullshit.
PlayhousePalsShe's a skin crawling generator ... goosebumps of disgust
JustSayingSeriously? Who hijacks a bunch of little kids for an abortion rally? How messed up is that?
I can't understand how these things that do that justify it to themselves. I can't understand how you could be that far removed from reality.
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