Oldoinyo Lengai Volcano (Tanzania) is the only volcano erupting silvery Carbonatite lava in historical times. Unlike normal lava, this lava looks like a silvery mud as it is too cool (550-700 deg. celsius) to glow visibly during daylight. A very weak glow can be observed at night and captured by long exposure photography (see e.g.
Currently the type of activity shown can not be viewed following larger eruptions in 2007-2008 which left a large crater and removed the small eruptive cones as seen in the footage. The footage taken in July 2000 shows an extremely active cone on the main crater floor. A brief view is taken into the tiny lava lake in the top of the cone during a phase of reduced activity and multiple overflows and resulting lava flows and other features are documented.
Source YouTube (fair use)
sirexsays...35 seconds in..... a shoe ?!
Asmosays...Timely reminder... 700 degree liquid minerals are still fucking dangerous... X |
artician700c is just over 1200f. How are they so close without any visible heat dispersion, fumes or other signs of such a temperature?
Either way, learned something new today!
Phoozsays...This is me after a night of heavy drinking!
FlowersInHisHairWow. I have never seen anything like this before. Great find!
oOPonyOosays...Something so strange makes also very strange sounds when cooling.
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