Predominately found in South and Central America, the Leafcutter Ant is truly an amazing creature. The complexity of teamwork and organization displayed in their societies is 2nd only to human beings and is an absolute spectacle to witness in person. When observing their behaviors one can clearly see that each ant has a specific task to carry out and whether its transporting leaf clippings back to the nest, attacking invaders or just keeping the other ants in order it is truly remarkable the amount of work they can accomplish in just a single day.

What’s also astonishing about these ants is their formidable strength. When taking into account their size to body weight ratio, Leafcutter Ants are one of the strongest animals on the planet and their powerful mandibles pack a tremendous bite force. In fact their bite is so powerful, large soldier ants are rumored to possess the strength to pierce through human skin!

Why didn't he use it to 'stitch' the wound closed afterwards, like they did in Apocalypto? ;-)
We had these in Texas. Somehow, even with years of blowing up the entrance to the nest with fireworks, I never was bitten as a kid. Lucky me.
Before @ant gets too upset, they used the firework paper to rebuild the nest every time, so it wasn't as bad as it sounds.

antjokingly says...


Why didn't he use it to 'stitch' the wound closed afterwards, like they did in Apocalypto? ;-)
We had these in Texas. Somehow, even with years of blowing up the entrance to the nest with fireworks, I never was bitten as a kid. Lucky me.
Before @ant gets too upset, they used the firework paper to rebuild the nest every time, so it wasn't as bad as it sounds.

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