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Britney Spears Bombs

(Associated Press Article)

Britney bombs in much-hyped comeback
AP - Somewhere, Kevin Federline is laughing.

An out-of-shape, out-of-touch Britney Spears delivered what was destined to be the most talked about performance of the MTV Video Music Awards - but for all the wrong reasons.

Kicking off the show with her new single, Gimme More, Spears looked bleary and unprepared, much like her recent tabloid exploits on the streets of Los Angeles.

She walked through her dance moves with little enthusiasm. She appeared to have forgotten the art of lip-synching. And, perhaps most unforgivable given her once-taut frame, she looked embarrassingly out of shape.

Even the celebrity-studded audience seemed bewildered. 50 Cent looked at Spears with a confused look on his face; Diddy, her new best friend, was expressionless.

Some comeback.

Breathlessly hyped by MTV as the evening's most anticipated performance, it became the most shockingly bad of the night.

Well she certainly wasn't as animated, but I'd hardly agree that she's 'embarrassingly out of shape'. Even if they are comparing Britney to her younger self, it's a little irresponsible to say that, I feel. She's a mother now, not a little girl.


She certainly looked lethargic and the poor miming was unprofessional. I think the remarks about her physicial condition might be off the mark. If you are going to perform wearing very little you should put a bit of oomph into it, else it's just some tottering girl trying to attract attention.

Interesting that no one mentions the song was dire.


Well, I've attempted to get Mr. Roofles to fix the embed code and it's been more than a day, so I'll go ahead and *discard rather than allowing a dead video to sit in the queue for 2 more days.

Anyone else want to re-submit? Please do. VideoSift is now two days behind in this oh so important current event.


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