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MarineGunrocksays...I love how the fat cells move from the ass to the boobs.
DerHasisttotsays...upvote for the sound effects
BicycleRepairMansays...Those before and after shots are really radical, it almost makes you wonder if its the same pe.. BRRRIONG-BRRIONG-BOOBS!! I mean, they have the same clothe..BRRRIONG-BRRIONG-BOOBS! But never see the heads in the "before" pict.. BRRRIONG-BRRIONG-BOOBS!! Maybe all that fat.. BRRRIONG-BRRIONG-BOOBS!
Oh I see now, do you take credit cards? says your have to sign in to verify age...
Trancecoachsays...I don't know Chinese, but I could swear they keep saying "sexy time"
zomgunicornssays...>> ^spawnflagger:
youtube says your have to sign in to verify age...
It's SO worth it!
Lannsays...I wish my boobs would make little "BWHEEEP!" and "BWOOOP!" noises when I wear a bra.
Lannsays...I was going to sift this so instead... *promote
siftbotsays...Promoting this video back to the front page; last published Sunday, March 6th, 2011 4:11am PST - promote requested by Lann.
mintbbbsays...>> ^Lann:
I was going to sift this so instead... promote
Thanks for the promote!
LittleRedsays...When they do side-by-side comparisons, it's not the same girl. If you look at the girl on the right, the implants are obvious, and her boobs are much larger to start with than the girl on the left. That and the faces are obviously different, but I don't imagine you're looking at those.
>> ^BicycleRepairMan:
Those before and after shots are really radical, it almost makes you wonder if its the same pe.. BRRRIONG-BRRIONG-BOOBS!! I mean, they have the same clothe..BRRRIONG-BRRIONG-BOOBS! But never see the heads in the "before" pict.. BRRRIONG-BRRIONG-BOOBS!! Maybe all that fat.. BRRRIONG-BRRIONG-BOOBS!
Oh I see now, do you take credit cards?
mfsteelesays...If Christina Hendricks gets her hands on one of these, she could rule the world.
Sericsays...What the shit?
They appear to be implying that a corset is capable of relocating body fat, lol.
siftbotsays...Adding video to channels (Terrible) - requested by JAPR.
nanrodsays...Sound effects = Boob schwings.
Someone should copyright "insta-boobage".
You can still purchase for next to nothing.
The sound they chose for the boobies squeezing together is perfect. "Skwoooiit! Skwoooiit! Skwoooiit!"
chipunderwoodsays...Wait, these women here have already paid for alterations. Why do they need the mega-boobage again? I'm not convinced. I need to see this work on someone's young grandmother first.
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