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siftbotsays...Adding video to channels (Money) - requested by Barseps.
Babymechsays...Haha, this woman has lost all her dignity and self-respect and is making her living in a demeaning and depressing scam - let's pointlessly hound and hector her! Ha! That'll show her!
ponceleonsays...So is it illegal? I'm not in any way defending her, just curious if it is somehow illegal... I mean, how would it be legally different than a street performer pretending to be a robot? Just to be clear: she's an incredible douche.
siftbotsays...Adding video to channels (Lies) - requested by ant.
Yogisays...>> ^ponceleon:
So is it illegal? I'm not in any way defending her, just curious if it is somehow illegal... I mean, how would it be legally different than a street performer pretending to be a robot? Just to be clear: she's an incredible douche.
This also isn't fucking news. If you've ever been to a major city, Paris, Berlin, New York, LA, this is how it works! No ones forcing you to give money to people.
FlowersInHisHairsays...>> ^ponceleon:
So is it illegal? I'm not in any way defending her, just curious if it is somehow illegal... I mean, how would it be legally different than a street performer pretending to be a robot? Just to be clear: she's an incredible douche.
Let's be clear. You're asking if fraud is illegal.
Porksandwichsays...Hell my dad worked at GM. There was a guy there who begged right outside the plant. The guy made so much money he had a driver who drove a brand new Cadillac sitting around the corner so he could get in and warm up between shift changes. Very few people caught on, even after my dad told them what the guy was doing...they thought my dad was just being an asshole for not giving the guy money.
It's a shitty thing to do, but it's not much different than people who work the same job as you and complaining about not having enough money and need a few bucks over and over. Especially once you find out that they don't have kids or the majority of the expenses you do and probably spend their money getting drunk or pissing it away in some other fashion.
Is it fraud......technically yes. But considering on the scale of things, it's not much different than the sales guy who tells you what you want to hear about something and has to be asked question after question to get an honest non-deflected answer from the guy. Beggar could have hurt their back in an accident, they are just letting you fill in the extent of the injury with your imaginings. Hell I've hurt my back bending over picking something up......if I show up in a wheel chair and tell you I hurt my back when I was lifting........ and that's all you ask most people would assume something heavy or weights.
FlowersInHisHairsays...>> ^Porksandwich:
it's not much different than people who work the same job as you and complaining about not having enough money and need a few bucks over and over. Especially once you find out that they don't have kids or the majority of the expenses you do and probably spend their money getting drunk or pissing it away in some other fashion.
It's absolutely nothing like that.
Porksandwichsays...>> ^FlowersInHisHair:
>> ^Porksandwich:
it's not much different than people who work the same job as you and complaining about not having enough money and need a few bucks over and over. Especially once you find out that they don't have kids or the majority of the expenses you do and probably spend their money getting drunk or pissing it away in some other fashion.
It's absolutely nothing like that.
Sure it is. It's someone who could keep 10 bucks in their pocket, like you do, to pay for their lunch/gas/etc rather than asking for money repeatedly. If they never pay you back, you've got yourself a beggar. Hell most people would give MORE money to a co-worker who asked than a beggar on the street, because they'd assume they'd get paid back.....which is not always the case.
Just a difference in scale, she's hitting dozens if not hundreds of people a day for a couple bucks. Co-workers who don't payback can hit the employee base only so much before people catch on, so they will make their rounds and space it out. Both usually include a sob story, money problems, or family true as your imagination can make them from the little bit they feed you to get that cash out of your hand.
And it sounds horrible, but there are people who work making decent money who do this stuff for whatever's a game or they supplement their income enough to make it worthwhile, etc.
Hell there's a guy I know who was convinced one of his co-workers was hard up and kept giving this guy part of his lunch or money for lunch. The guy he was giving this stuff to was doing this to half a dozen people at least, worked the same job as the rest of them...making the same or similar money. Had less familial obligations than most and kept it up for a good long while...months and months. I wouldn't doubt he made half a day's pay on some weeks doing that free lunches every day.
He may not be a beggar by the definition of the word, but he was still begging IMO which kinda.....makes him a beggar.
FlowersInHisHairsays...Well yeah, if they have no intention of paying it back then they're in the wrong. But that's not what you said before!
mxxconsays...>> ^ponceleon:
So is it illegal? I'm not in any way defending her, just curious if it is somehow illegal... I mean, how would it be legally different than a street performer pretending to be a robot? Just to be clear: she's an incredible douche.
In NYC here are some nuances about public performances. I don't know all the specifics but it's something along the lines of you can't explicitly ask for money or donations. So I think cops could arrest her for something. But I think public shaming is a better punishment.
Almost every morning on the F train there's a guy walks through train cars with a cup, shacking it and asking for spare change. But he doesn't say he's homeless or hungry or anything like that. Just asking for money. He's dressed very nicely too, so it's not like he's in need.
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