Black Scorpion 2 - Classic Shlock 'Action' Movie! With PVC!

LMAO - This is terrible movie madness at its best :)

Catfight, in PVC! :P

Black Scorpion 2 (imdb)
Tagline Seductive and Beautiful. But Lethal.

and the comment!

6 out of 18 people found the following comment useful:-
One of the worst things I've ever witnessed, 3 March 2002
Author: Jay Stuler ( from Ohio


This was so awful I just don't know what to say.

I'm amazed that anyone involved with this actually used their real names. I know it's tough to be a struggling actor but man, what were they thinking?

I don't even want to think about the fact that someone "wrote" this.

I'm going to stay away from the TV for a few days now.

Uh oh! Here comes the cops! I have to get out of here!

This is cheesy like a bad porn movie, but we all know there won't be any 'nekkidness' in a few minutes, which usually makes you quickly forget about the cheese factor.

Bad porn without porn. Now THAT is BAD.

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