Biz tired of drunks peeing on it installs security SHOWER

Locksmith installs shower and a camera...douses people peeing on the wall in the back alley of their shop.

She was also the last person caught peeing on the building. Why she stayed in hose range after changing into the dry shirt is a good question though.


Manual triggering, it seems?

I figure they all deserved it except for the last one, who appeared to be just changing clothes as opposed to all the wall pissers.


Yeah, right up your pigeon-holed alley. Hey lucky? While yer at it, how about check this users's spamming of my profile with his bullshit?....Please??

All you have to do is take a look at chicchorea's profile-Littered with ad hom.


excuse me...*discuss...when, how, why, what banned?

@lucky760, has this garnered votes...and comments after user account banned? That would be hilarious...a new genre again so soon.


Okay, BobsBlitz was banned proper by @chicchorea on this self-link a month ago.

It got confusing that he was getting nominated for a ban despite already being banned, though I'm not certain the video needs to be discarded. He's posted lots of popular posts that were not necessarily self-links and this may be a valid submission. (We don't necessarily need to discard every post by someone who's been banned for self-linking.)

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