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Bill O'Reilly on the "Coolest 8 year old in the world"


That woman has the most terrifying stare I've ever seen.

Now, as far as comparing the coolest 8 year old video to child pornography, we all already know Bill O'Reilly is an arse, there's really not much that needs to be said.


I can tell already that none will comment.

lolz right lets make this clear

1) it is irresponsible for parents to present subjective issues to a child as fact
2) regardless of a parents stance they should try and present an unbiased view of the world
3) a child should not be used for a parents means

now the reality is parents are always going to bring children up in some skewed view based of the parents rational and subjective position on things. as you have to convey some sense of objective stability for a child to learn how to make decisions. In this clip all the things the girl seas are all more reflective of an impirical reality than what allot of children are tought by thair parents especial in USA. so the way the news reports act is just a sad reflection on that segment of American thinking. I find it amusing how someone can be a "reporter" and be completely ignorant and irrational when it comes to looking at events and the world.


I rather like how the Factor focuses on the video's comments on religion and does not include the reason for this argument. Namely, Bill O'Reilly being an asshole. She begins the video talking about how O'Reilly insists video games and rap music are responsible for violence, and this girl's retort is citing history: the KKK, the Crusades, the Holocaust.

Another shining example of how Fox News and right-wing talking points take quotes out of context.


There are many ways that you may describe the coolest 8 year old, including calling her the willing parrot of an irresponsible parent. "Completely vulnerable" doesn't leap to my mind. The 8 year old would likely kick Billy's ass (and actually tell him that she was "kicking his ass")if he ever deigned to invite her to his monologue.

And the guest. So alarmist. And those eyebrows! The child 'expert' obviously has never come in contact with the dirty-faced and mean feral children of West Virginia.


what's the difference between bringing up a child with these views as opposed to bringing up your child with views like this.
It is 2 extremes and we can argue all we want but each extreme side is unwilling to see the other side.

"Using a kid as political propaganda" yet this excerpt is talking of religion...seperation of church and state? oh yea we forgot about that.


Once again I see a bunch of people attacking the messenger because it's easier then analyzing the real issue.

Do any of you seriously think this child can formulate a comprehend the impact of religion on society and the roots of hatred and violence?

But Ozzie has a point, there is very little difference between this example and far-right religious camp. In both cases, this is how extremists and zealots are created. Their children are indoctrinated very early and their parent's myopic views are pounded into their heads until they see no other world except for the one where they are one true religion, or all religion is exploitative, or they are the Master Race, or they are oppressed by the Man.

Somehow I doubt that some of you would have the same reaction if this girl was yelling about how the Blacks have no contribution of society, or how only the government can effectively manage our own lives or whatever.

Just because you agree with it, doesn't mean that it isn't still abuse.


it is true that just becuse you agree with it dosent meen that it isent abuse.

however its not nearly as abusive geting a kid to say what she seas in this clip than to indoctranate them with religoin whitch has littel if no baring on reality in manny casses. ( especaily if folowed fundamentaly)

outside of what you agree ore disagree on what the child says is actualy bassed on facts and on things in reality the only resoin bill has a paddy wagon over it is because the kid is talking anti fundamentalist religoin and anti conservative.


i find it silly to make children say stuff on tv as if its their opinion and they came up with it (partly because children are generally over-actors). i am not the least bit surprised that there is blowback from the right. i mean, they compare republicans to nazi's; thats old-school bullshit tactics right there.


Irresponsible? – Yes
Abuse? – Not even close.

While I agree with every point the Child's parents have coached her to say, it is pretty poor parenting to brainwash a child into believing things that she is not mature enough to begin to understand. I would say the exact same in regards to involving children in religion.

The more irrisponsible thing here though, is that her parents have made her a public figure, of which she can surely not understand the consequinces. They're no different from a showbiz or bueaty pagent mom who exploits her daughter for her own purposes.

In regards to FOX "News's" coverage. It is the epitome of the type of alarmism that they accuse liberals of on a daily basis. Does this bottom feeder Wendy Murphy seriously believe that this is the "Ultimate inhumane treatment of a child?" Of course she doesn't. She is not an expert, or a child advocate, she is a whore - a media whore. She is the media's equivilent of a bum that a dirty cop pays to claim she witnessed a crime so he can make an arrest. O'Reilly is the cop, FOX "News" is the Mob and Ruppert Murdoch is the Don.


High comedy for O'Reilly and his guest to take this seriously.

I'm sure the fact that they went after O'Reilly himself has nothing to do with him categorizing it as "child abuse".

Bill O'Reilly - the douchiest of the douchebags.


When my son was 8 we had long been talking about the World and political issues. I have always believed that information is the best way for people to form opinions. 8-year-olds are more savvy about what is going on around them then most people like to admit. In fact, most 10-year-olds I know would do a better job of running things than many of the people on Capital Hill.

For the record, I present both sides of the issue to my son without telling him my opinion - I let him come to his own conclusions. But I listened early on to his questions about the World and I am still stunned by his comprehension.

At 8, he posed this question after watching the elections - "Why is it 'party' against 'party'? Why do people hate other people just because they're on the other side?"

They know. They see. Children DO have brains.


Poor rebublican party can't stand to be beaten down... religion isn't the problem though.. Blind belief is what people kill each other over.

Who are we to decide whats right or wrong.


So Bill O'Reilly says that child is abused and advocates that she be taken away from her parents. Just because she has some extreme opposing view and they made fun of him? That's O'Reilly's style I guess. Threaten anyone who disagrees. This is by far the craziest crap I've seen from O'Reilly.

I'm sorry, but the debate isn't if this is child abuse. If O'Reilly wanted to do a segment on whether teaching hate is equivalent to child abuse, why would he pick this 8 year old? I can think of better examples on VS such as those two girls in Louis and the Nazis. O'Reilly is an immature child himself who can't stand anyone making fun of him.

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