Bill O'Reilly Confronts Richard Dawkins

And gets his ass handed to him.

With the "OnKneesforJesus" in the corner of the video, I'm assuming they thought this video exposed Dawkins in some way, or maybe it showed O'Reilly had nailed him.

Ass handing is in the eye of the beholder.


I have been hard on Dawkins before for being too mocking and insulting in some of his statements, but in this case I wish he had declared open season on the can of stupidity O'Reilly opened. He seemed so unusually restrained during this interview (although it is clearly edited... was he a bit more aggressive in the parts that were edited out?).


>> ^Phreezdryd:

With the "OnKneesforJesus" in the corner of the video, I'm assuming they thought this video exposed Dawkins in some way, or maybe it showed O'Reilly had nailed him.
Ass handing is in the eye of the beholder.

If you look at the other videos on the OnKneesforJesus youtube channel, it's obvious that the poster is no friend of organized religion. I suspect the name of the channel is sarcastic.


>> ^Sotto_Voce:

>> ^Phreezdryd:
With the "OnKneesforJesus" in the corner of the video, I'm assuming they thought this video exposed Dawkins in some way, or maybe it showed O'Reilly had nailed him.
Ass handing is in the eye of the beholder.

If you look at the other videos on the OnKneesforJesus youtube channel, it's obvious that the poster is no friend of organized religion. I suspect the name of the channel is sarcastic.

I have seen the light of OnKneesforJesus at youtube and blogspot. It's cute how they're up to their 4th iteration of the youtube channel, no doubt due to rabid religous complaints and threats.

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