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Bill Nye: Could Common Core be the antidote for Creationist

"If I were king of the forest we would have math in the core curriculum."

YouTube: Bill Nye (The Science Guy!) discusses two lines of logic for Common Core opponents. The first is that standardization might stymie the passion of teachers and take the fun out of learning, an idea that Nye admits deserves some consideration. The second (and inappropriate) reason is that fringe anti-scientists like Creationists would be forced to stop pushing their distorted agenda

Critical Thinking. One thing I try to teach my kids is how to think for themselves. Listen to what people have to tell you. Measure the facts and wonder if they make sense. Confirm facts, and then make up their own decisions.
If you filter certain facts from the thinking process, then your thinking comes out flawed and incomplete. How can kids not form solid thoughts if there are people out there stopping them from learning the basic building blocks of how things work?


Common core Puppet.

IS not what they need to learn its the methodology they use. Its' Fucked up.

7X4 is not 28 its 7 circles with 4 dots in each circle. This is the crap I face with my kids every day. It a round about way and hence illogical.

Rounding to the nearest thousand 9501 is 9000 but who rounds a number like this? normal rounding of a thousand involves a number worth rounding ex 210, 898 is rounded to to 211k out of convenience and where the hundreds are less important

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