Bill Maher Discusses Religulous on Larry King


Well put... I don't have a problem with religion, I'm an agnostic myself, but I can agree with his last statement, I won't keep quiet about why I think the Christian's I grew up with are being deceived.


How can people listen to Bill Maher and hate Bill O'Riley at the same time? They are exactly the same. They both use rhetoric and dogma from their respective political parties to spew crap over crap they are in denial about.


It's much easier to tolerate arrogant asses like Maher when you agree with their opinions. I don't take my intellectual cues from him, but being an arrogant ass myself, I like to hear others agree with me.


How can people listen to Bill Maher and hate Bill O'Riley at the same time? They are exactly the same. They both use rhetoric and dogma from their respective political parties to spew crap over crap they are in denial about.

What exactly is Maher in denial about?

What he says about religion is absolutely TRUE. Any time someone tries to nitpick anything about a religion, they DO wave their 'FAITH CARD' and try to insinuate that we have no right to question what they're doing because it's all in the name of what they believe. And yet they are allowed to say that Atheists are untrustworthy etc. because we 'don't believe in anything'.

I personally didn't know about this documentary before this vid, but I'm very interested in seeing it now. Religious groups the world over are trying to FORCE their agenda on others, and that's just not right.


Bill Maher is snide, whiny, and infrequently will do something interesting; Bill O'Reilly is smarmy, belligerent, and frequently cruel to people he doesn't even know.

"you should never be a cock to a stranger"

(edit: maher wins)


"you should never be a cock to a stranger"
lol i read this "you should never be a stranger to a cock"

i as well will have my eyes on this film, sounds like just the kind of thing i like. total mindless crap that agrees with what i think, and that no one with an opposing view will get anything out of.



You are actually comparing Bill Maher to Bill O'Reilly?

At least Maher knows hes an asshole and makes no apologizes for it, but he does say alot of things that make sense and lead to one questioning status quo, he allows his audience to disagree with him.

O'Reilly just spews out hate filled bile against anyone who disagrees with him - WHY DON'T YOU JUST SHUT UP? Can't even apologize for his racist remarks (the Harlem resto?) and declares there is a war against Christmas?

Come on...


I live with Christians and they say to me all the time: "What if you're wrong? If I'm wrong I turn to dust if you're wrong you go to hell."

Well, What if You're wrong! These political moves will seriously hurt society. What if you're wrong!


Yes yes, ALL religions PUSH there ideals on people. Are you serious? You base your judgments off religious extremism and not the overwhelming majority? Bill Maher is taking a small cancerous part of religion and making it into a mountain of evil.

It's bullshit, and inaccurate. The reason people agree with Maher is because he appeals to all the travesty people hear in the news and other media. He's a arrogant fascist who likes to blame problems on whatever target is popular and then likes to make that target as big as he can, clouding the moderate with the extreme.


>> ^gorgonheap:
How can people listen to Bill Maher and hate Bill O'Riley at the same time? They are exactly the same. They both use rhetoric and dogma from their respective political parties to spew crap over crap they are in denial about.

Maher is thoughtful, rational, and occasionally witty. Pretty much the opposite of O'Riley. I will agree, however, that Maher is getting a little harder to listen to, a little more shrill than he used to be. I think it's a side effect of beating his head against the brick wall of the Religious Right. He may be in denial about the fact that some people just refuse to listen to reason.


>> ^gorgonheap:
Yes yes, ALL religions PUSH there ideals on people. Are you serious? You base your judgments off religious extremism and not the overwhelming majority? Bill Maher is taking a small cancerous part of religion and making it into a mountain of evil.

You, gorgon, are an enabler. The extremists are the ones causing the problems, but they would not survive without the permission of the moderates. If the extremists walked away when they saw the "no solicitors" sign on my door, I wouldn't care what they believe. But they don't. They are trying to get their bogus beliefs made into law, to force the rest of us to live the lies they embrace. They want to get their beliefs into public schools, to stop our children from thinking too much and figuring out their BS.

You, the moderate, say nothing. I will not stand for it, and I will absolutlely lump you in with the Mormons, Evangelicals, Scientologists, and Islamic Terrorists, because you do not stand up to them and say "I may believe some of the same things you do, but you have no right to push your beliefs on others. Keep your faiths in your homes and churches."

Until the moderates get off their asses and help us put down the extremists, you are every bit as guilty.


Farhad is right. Bill Maher allows lots of people who disagree with him on his show, and actually listens to them and has reasonable conversation with them. O'Reilly is a shrill hate-monger who frequently resorts to mic-cuts and ad-hominem attacks.


>> ^gorgonheap:
Yes yes, ALL religions PUSH there ideals on people. Are you serious? You base your judgments off religious extremism and not the overwhelming majority? Bill Maher is taking a small cancerous part of religion and making it into a mountain of evil.

When the Moral Majority and such made a lot of noise years ago I thought the same way, but rather than act like the fringe I thought they were they and their type gained a bunch of power over the years. When they put a President in office who started to mix Federal money with faith based programs and the reports we've heard from our military schools started coming out I was getting pretty concerned that it was getting out of hand. And when they got more and more vocal about Constitutional amendments to bring law into line with the bible then they managed to get gay marriage amendments passed in multiple States it stopped looking much like a fringe. It takes majorities to pass those laws, if they could pass those it's time to stop ignoring the other threats from them as well.

If there actually is some rational 'overwhelming majority' it's about time they stood up and got heard. Don't fuck with my Constitution for religions reasons and I won't fuck with your religion. Start to look like a threat and we'll have to deal with it somehow.


There are several reasons Maher is better than O'Reilly.... First off, Maher is a comedian, O'Reilly is a commentator. Maher ridicules the people he disagrees with, O'Reilly screams at them. Maher steers away from issues where he knows he doesn't have a good argument, O'Reilly makes things up. Maher will let the people he disagrees with speak, then make a counter, O'Reilly will cut them off, and tell them they are wrong.


Maher's done nowhere near the amount of Good Things that the Catholic Church has done. If anyone's "more destructive", it's him.

Having said that, the right wing crazies in the US are even worse than him. I guess he's just a byproduct of the toxic culture.


>> ^Krupo:
Maher's done nowhere near the amount of Good Things that the Catholic Church has done. If anyone's "more destructive", it's him.

How much good the Catholic Church has done is debatable...but your fooling yourself if you believe what the Catholic Church has done over the years is less destructive then Bill Maher. Bill Maher after all is just a comedian with an opinion and a TV show to share that opinion and talk about the issues he thinks is important.

The list of "destructive" things the Catholic Church has done doesn't even compare to that....the child molesting problem alone far out weighs anything Maher is capable of with his TV show and opinions.


I'll take the bait. Comedians are well-known for being hateful - many of his jokes are more hate than ha-ha.

The American scandals are freakin' overblown - in the sense that you might as well condemn minor league hockey and boy scouts organizations for being bastions of evil too, then.

Catholic Church: Universal & Eternal Salvation FTW!


>> ^Krupo:
I'll take the bait. Comedians are well-known for being hateful - many of his jokes are more hate than ha-ha.
The American scandals are freakin' overblown - in the sense that you might as well condemn minor league hockey and boy scouts organizations for being bastions of evil too, then.
Catholic Church: Universal & Eternal Salvation FTW!

Wow, that's some serious denial you got going on there. Try looking up a few topics like the Crusades, the Inquisition, Witch Hunts... That's an organization to be proud of! Murder in the name of the Lord!

Oh, but them comedians! They're hateful! How pathetic.


Denial? We're all very aware of our rich history. At least my arguments aren't boring and cliched. You can surely do better. I mean as soon as the Simpsons pull an example (the Crusades) to support an argument, you've got to reconsider the ammunition you're using.

Geez, the Crusades. If your holiest places were taken over by others, wouldn't you want to liberate them too?

The Catholic Church is guided by the Holy Spirit but it's composed of humans - and humans make mistakes - we're not perfect. This paragraph epitomizes the effect of this:
"Another factor that contributed to the change in Western attitudes towards the East came in the year 1009, when the Fatimid Caliph al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah ordered the Church of the Holy Sepulchre destroyed. In 1039 his successor permitted the Byzantine Empire to rebuild it.[6] Pilgrimages were allowed to the Holy Lands before and after the Sepulchre was rebuilt, but for a time pilgrims were captured and some of the clergy were killed. The Muslim conquerors eventually realized that the wealth of Jerusalem came from the pilgrims; with this realization the persecution of pilgrims stopped.[7] However, the damage was already done, and the violence of the Seljuk Turks became part of the concern that spread the passion for the Crusades.[8]"

Salem witch trials - example of what happens when a bunch of religious wackies get out of control - they were rather opposed to the Pope -

Or witch hunts in general - yes, again, people made horrible evil mistakes, but attributing it all to the Church is again another outlandish and ignorant statement. Here's some light reading:

Okay, and the Inquisition - closely linked to the witch hunts/trials.
"Although many states allowed the Church to use the death penalty, initially it was not frequently imposed, as this form of punishment had many ecclesiastical opponents.[2][3]"

From a pro-life perspective, if you have the capability to imprison criminals you shouldn't kill them either. And of course have differing opinions isn't a reason to criminalize people, but it should give you pause when people make it sound like the fear of 'thought police' is a new development.

As usual, something which may have had some higher purpose was corrupted by people with a baser intention - "studies showed there was an initial burst of activity against conversos suspected of relapsing into Judaism, and a mid-16th-century pursuit of Protestants - but the Inquisition served principally as a forum Spaniards occasionally used to humiliate and punish people they did not like: blasphemers, bigamists, foreigners and, in Aragon, homosexuals and horse smugglers"

You know what we hate worse than hateful comedians, eh? Those damn horse smugglers.

Two other fun thoughts before getting some rest
- remember that Pope Benedict was, in his previous post, the head of the Inquisition? It's still around, only it's called the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Lovely group. It's so good to have a Panzer Pope.
- nutty things were of course done through the ages - the "Index of Forbidden Books" is one of my favourites. Even in the late 19th century you'd hear Popes speaking of the dangers of "liberalism", whatever that means.

Yeah, people make mistakes, but Maher's blowing things out of proportion and being nutty about it himself. It's like he's creating his own "Index of Forbidden Groups" or something.


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