Better than Skyrim: Snow shoveling first-person shooter!

Complete with snow blower bonus level! (And a great 8-bit soundtrack that includes a blippity version of Black Sabbath's Paranoid.)

The last few hurry-up's are funnier if you know what they mean:

Libera il vialetto - free the path!
Libera la macchina! - free the car!
Domani devi lavorare! - You have to work tomorrow!
Spala sul tetto - shovelling on the roof? (I think, not sure)


Thanks for that translation... even funnier.

I can't believe all the snow - on the street, pushed against the houses. Wonder where this was filmed?


Moving this video to Trout's personal queue. It failed to receive enough votes to get sifted up to the front page within 2 days.


>> ^Trout:

Thanks for that translation... even funnier.
I can't believe all the snow - on the street, pushed against the houses. Wonder where this was filmed?

Well somewhere over in europe this year, lot of places in central and eastern europe got hammered with snowfall though not much in cold canada this year, they can have our snow. Though last year it could have been in Ontario. Last winter we had places with 4-6m of snow on the ground in a 1 week period. And I spent more than a few weeks out with friends shoveling off roofs and trying to dig people out.


>> ^Mashiki:

>> ^Trout:
Thanks for that translation... even funnier.
I can't believe all the snow - on the street, pushed against the houses. Wonder where this was filmed?

Well somewhere over in europe this year, lot of places in central and eastern europe got hammered with snowfall though not much in cold canada this year, they can have our snow. Though last year it could have been in Ontario. Last winter we had places with 4-6m of snow on the ground in a 1 week period. And I spent more than a few weeks out with friends shoveling off roofs and trying to dig people out.

That somewhere in Europe in this case is Italy :-)


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