Best Product Ever? or Breast Product Ever!

Product claims to improve women's bust line.

Where are the before and after pictures of boobies out of bras!

I loved the bit where the fat from the tits migrated straight down into the stomach. I wonder if when you buy the boob vibe on if stomach fat will be charmed into migrating back to give double Ds.


i'm aroused yet confused by this video

if any ladies want to make her boobs bigger, feel free to contact me, i can shake them for you for as long as you want to.


>> ^MrLips:

Thats why I need this duh.
<div><div style="margin: 10px; overflow: auto; width: 80%; float: left; position: relative;" class="convoPiece"> ant said:<img style="margin: 4px 10px 10px; float: left; width: 40px;" src="" onerror="ph(this)"><div style="position: absolute; margin-left: 52px; padding-top: 1px; font-size: 10px;" class="commentarrow">◄</div><div style="padding: 8px; margin-left: 60px; margin-top: 2px; min-height: 30px;" class="nestedComment box"> You don't even have a penis.
<div><div style="margin: 10px; overflow: auto; width: 80%; float: right; position: relative;" class="convoPiece"> MrLips said:<img style="margin: 4px 10px 10px; float: right; width: 40px;" src="" onerror="ph(this)"><div style="position: absolute; margin-top: 1px; right: 52px; font-size: 10px;" class="commentarrow">►</div><div style="padding: 8px; margin-right: 60px; margin-top: 2px; min-height: 30px;" class="nestedComment box">WHY OH WHY cant they make something like this for my small penis.

You also need an apostrophe.



>> ^ant:

<em>>> <a rel="nofollow" href=''>^MrLips</a>:<br />
Thats why I need this duh.<br><br><br><div><div style="margin: 10px; overflow: auto; width: 80%; float: left; position: relative;" class="convoPiece"><a rel="nofollow" href="" rel="nofollow"> ant said</a>:<a rel="nofollow" href=""><img style="margin: 4px 10px 10px; float: left; width: 40px;" src="" onerror="ph(this)"></a><div style="position: absolute; margin-left: 52px; padding-top: 1px; font-size: 10px;" class="commentarrow">◄</div><div style="padding: 8px; margin-left: 60px; margin-top: 2px; min-height: 30px;" class="nestedComment box"> You don't even have a penis. <br></div></div></div><br><div><div style="margin: 10px; overflow: auto; width: 80%; float: right; position: relative;" class="convoPiece"><a rel="nofollow" href="" rel="nofollow"> MrLips said</a>:<a rel="nofollow" href=""><img style="margin: 4px 10px 10px; float: right; width: 40px;" src="" onerror="ph(this)"></a><div style="position: absolute; margin-top: 1px; right: 52px; font-size: 10px;" class="commentarrow">►</div><div style="padding: 8px; margin-right: 60px; margin-top: 2px; min-height: 30px;" class="nestedComment box">WHY OH WHY cant they make something like this for my small penis.<br></div></div></div></em>
You also need an apostrophe.

Wow ant you don't like me very much or my elongated clit.


>> ^MrLips:

>> ^ant:
<em>>> <a rel="nofollow" href=''>^MrLips</a>:<br />
Thats why I need this duh.<br><br><br><div><div style="margin: 10px; overflow: auto; width: 80%; float: left; position: relative;" class="convoPiece"><a rel="nofollow" href="" rel="nofollow"> ant said</a>:<a rel="nofollow" href=""><img style="margin: 4px 10px 10px; float: left; width: 40px;" src="" onerror="ph(this)"></a><div style="position: absolute; margin-left: 52px; padding-top: 1px; font-size: 10px;" class="commentarrow">◄</div><div style="padding: 8px; margin-left: 60px; margin-top: 2px; min-height: 30px;" class="nestedComment box"> You don't even have a penis. <br></div></div></div><br><div><div style="margin: 10px; overflow: auto; width: 80%; float: right; position: relative;" class="convoPiece"><a rel="nofollow" href="" rel="nofollow"> MrLips said</a>:<a rel="nofollow" href=""><img style="margin: 4px 10px 10px; float: right; width: 40px;" src="" onerror="ph(this)"></a><div style="position: absolute; margin-top: 1px; right: 52px; font-size: 10px;" class="commentarrow">►</div><div style="padding: 8px; margin-right: 60px; margin-top: 2px; min-height: 30px;" class="nestedComment box">WHY OH WHY cant they make something like this for my small penis.<br></div></div></div></em>
You also need an apostrophe.

Wow ant you don't like me very much or my elongated clit.

No, because you're an owl with no lips. [grin]

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