Best Friends: two years of love between pug and girl

Shameless cuteness with the incomparable Israel Kamakawiwo'ole providing the music. Nothing bad happens. I can just watch this one on my more cynical days and remember sometimes life really is just simple joy and friendship.

Speaking as a parent, that kind of pain is not what I seek to protect my child from. Part of me believes she won't really have loved him until he's gone (or something she cherishes is gone). That is, now she finds joy in him, needs him, treasures him. Once he's gone, she might begin to realize what love is (painful and sweet). G. K. Chesterton said, "The way to love anything is to realize that it might be lost."

These thoughts are way too dark for this bright little video.


Jeebus... Just slap some text at the end that says,
Abagail died tragically in a car accident, and Rover stopped eating and died from depression two weeks later. Please donate to the Abagail-Rover-Tomorrow Fondation. Here's the paypal link.

(I'd be sooooooo rich)


a friend of mine has a toddler and a weenie dog. toddler is weenie dog's baby. weenie dog howls when toddler goes out. weenie dog loves toddler so much. toddler uses weenie dog to appraise situations. if weenie dog likes someone, toddler likes that person.


Too bad the dog will probably die soon. Then the child goes to school and will have no friends because she's not used to interacting with other human children - just dogs.

Remember people, every story has a potential sad ending!

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