Bahfest 2014: Why Do Mammals Sleep?

Sarah Hird, last year's winner of BAHFest West (the festival of bad ad hoc hypotheses) posits a brilliant explanation for why mammals sleep: they can't put up with themselves 24 hours a day.

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I used to be as a callow ant, but less when I am an old fart adult ant. Also, I don't sleep a lot/hibernate. I'll sleep forever when I am dead.


Well the easiest way to answer that is to figure out how happy you are (if we assume that ants are perfectly spherical mammals).


I like to imagine that this was a final presentation for a scientific course. Everyone loved her wit and charm but she flunked out and still has to pay student loans on top of that. Now in an attempt to share her story, she realized stand up comedy at ah hoc speech events gives her more basic satisfaction.

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