Backbone: what's that? don't need it. Backbone for teh sux!

Classics idiots coming back from the grave.

Oh man, can see the rabble yer gonna bring to this collective, karaidl, what has choggie done??!! The collective will digress from this point on, into Jackass brand stunts..........?.

You would think, that if these wonder twins were really hurt, that their pals would have not posted this....sure they are fine, don't believe the whining, kids these days are resilient, elastic.


Please, it's just one video. I'm not impressed with any old idiots crashing shopping carts or faceplanting, and I especially will downvote any generic Break vid of losers getting paid 400 bucks to make asses out of themselves. But this vid had me cringing the whole time.

And if they were stupid enough to jump, then they're stupid enough to upload the video. I bet they showed it to all their friend going, "Look at us!"


Oh man, can see the rabble yer gonna bring to this collective, karaidl, what has choggie done??!! The collective will digress from this point on, into Jackass brand stunts..........?.


Naw youse guys, worry not, just got through crasckin' up, and having a milk-nose moment with beer......this is what ol' Charlie was spending all that time in Galapagos getting far away from......


this is "backyard wrestling"... ( See: )
or more specifically, "hardcore wrestling"... ( See: )
or i guess it's "hardcore backyard wrestling"... i dunno...

it is the stupidest shit i've ever seen, and these kids generally wear their broken bones and such with 'honor'... note the obligatory slam into the table.
both kids knew full well that they were going to be injured...

imagine, if you will, a kid bodyslamming another, onto a table. and on that table is a square glass aquarium... it's upside-down, and inside the aquarium are flourescent bulbs and thumbstacks. maybe some nails to even it up a bit...


i fell out of a tree once from lower than that and fractured a vertibrae, they must have really damaged themselves from that o_O. I like the "rolling around and twisting, cos that'll make it better" routine.


I just watched the drop about 20 times trying to figure out who they were attached to each other. My hope was that Orange-Pants had Dude in front of him, which would increase the chance of testicular destruction. Sadly, it appears that he was clinging to his back, in some sort of inverted piggy-back ride with Dude's head off to his side.


What was the question here? This video defines selective evolution pretty much. Nature will eventually take care of them.

"uh,You guys ok?" had to laugh at that.

(choggie, just checking in looking for your upgrade)

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