BNF: Sorry FOX we won't let you trash Michelle Obama

BNF Description:
You're not going to believe what FOX is up to now-we could hardly believe it ourselves. Not only are they smearing Michelle Obama with racist stereotypes, but then they offer a feeble apology that they believe gives them the right to slander her again. That's what happened when FOX called Michelle and Barack Obama's fist bump a "terrorist fist jab," apologized, and then less than a week later referred to Michelle Obama as Barack's "Baby Mama."

Admittedly, the first thing that struck me about her is how angry she looks all the time. She's got to do something about those eyebrows.

However, it just looks like Faux News Commentary is up to its same ol' bag of pathetic tricks (seeing as they couldn't do something actually worthy like reporting the news).


Can people seriously grow up? Jesus wah wah wah seriously stop crying. It's getting ridiculous. Oh no!!! He said lynch!!! He's racist!!! AHHHH!!!
Fox trashes everyone jesus get over it. It's basically just a channel dedicated to slander but seriously who cares. Get over it. When did everyone turn into a bunch of whiny little babies?
Sigh no justice. Sigghhhhhhh sniff sniff
And bring all the race cards you want when he calls you a nigger but until then jesus shut up about racism. Everyone's racist get over it.


Cute. From the ABC news site:

"I have to be greeted properly -- fist-bump, please," Obama said in her opening line, pressing fists with each of her co-hosts in response to a Fox News Channel report depicting her fist "dap" with her husband on the night he won the nomination as a "terrorist fist jab."

She explained she learned the greeting from young staffers on the Obama campaign.

"It's the new high-five," she said.


Michelle Obama is viewed more favorably by likely voters than Cindy McCain, 48 percent to 39 percent, according to a recent ABC News/Washington Post poll. But while Obama leads in favorability, many voters say they haven't formed an opinion yet of McCain, and slightly more voters also view Obama unfavorably — 29 percent vs. McCain's 25 percent.

Scrutiny of the potential first ladies was evident among audience members waiting to get into the live show.

"I think she's wonderful," Veronica Deas, 45, said of Michelle Obama.

Deas drove from Maryland to see 'The View' with her sister and four girlfriends.

"She's intelligent, she knows the issues, she stands by her man but she's not going to try to take his job," she said in an apparent jab at Sen. Clinton.


This video sucks. Sorry, BNF, you've convinced me more to the Fox News side of this. The fact of the matter is (ignoring the dumb fist bump thing) everything they mentioned and every clip they showed seemed to be founded in reasonable logic.

For instance, I don't think America has changed that much recently, but now that someone cares what she says, she's BECOME proud of America? Whatever. I find it offensive that she called us "downright mean" as a country. I think the majority of Americans are kind and charitable, even if our leaders aren't usually that way it doesn't mean the rest of us aren't.


I find it amazing how much you missed the point Aemaeth. They are taking the worst parts of what she said, quoting it incorrectly and out of context, and repeating until it becomes the truth in the minds of viewers. "Reasonable logic" would be to disagree with what she said and then move on to critique the overall speech. But they know that sound bites are better persuaders.


Also, Aemaeth, you are missing the point here. This is a forum for left wing assassins. If John McCain farts, he'll be crucified for global warming.

Nothing here from the left about the REVEREND Jesse Jackson wanting to "cut the nuts" off of Obama. Nooo. That ain't good PR. Or, see this:

"White Folk's Greed Runs a World In Need"

It's ok for Obama to make these statements (Lord knows what's in his head), but not ok for McCain to make comments "mocking" killing Iranians (equally bad).

The point is, you won't get a neutral opinion here and should not use this site as anything but a smaller dumpster than YouTube.

Good luck


... i'm tempted to make a troll alter-ego sometimes...

then I could complain both about this terribly unfair website based on votes as well as complain about people who complain, so that others will know how much a random troll hates complainers.


>> ^Rotty:
... If John McCain farts, he'll be crucified for global warming...

My friend, you make jokes, but after that one time at Chili's All-You-Can-Eat Spicy Bean Buffet he put out more hydrocarbons than a poorly-tuned Hummer.


Rotty, I watched the video you linked. It's true. Over 90% of corporate greed is run by white people. So what? Is it racist to acknowledge a fact?

You're either playing the race card, or playing the "if you don't approve everything the USA has ever done you must be evil" card.


-like to see Obama get elected, then hold a party for all his friends who put him in the place....but he has that party a few times a year to fuck his old lady while he's gone, but be able to turn on a closed-circuit monitor so he could watch from the meetings.....Why can't he simply change back into Tommy, and discontinue the pollution he passes off as uninformative cackling-sit him down and shut him the fuck up-change the channel


Ha ha ha, upvote for the last clip.

So you're not allowed to criticize your own country, and if you do, you're not patriotic? WTF?! That's just as stupid as the flag pin fiasco way back.

I hope to live to see the day when news corporations start reporting the news, rather than fabricating it. Actually, I'd rather see news corporations dismantled into non-private-interest organizations, but that's just as likely to happen as winged monkeys flying out of Bill O's ass.


Why doesn't fox send its attack dogs after the bigtime conservative demagogues Jerry Falwell and Pat Roberton who said 9/11 was God's punishment to America for harboring gays and feminists? That's infinitely worse than saying you're not proud of a country that invades other countries without a good reason and subverts the will of their people. The Mossadeq affair was shameful. The USA has participated in a long line of coups from Iran 1953 to Iraq 2003.


"Fuck it we'll do it live!"

I was playing Bad Company online, and I started yelling about how I cant understand a thing some guy was saying...

This random guy in the squad chat yells "FUCK IT WILL DO IT LIVE!"

We lost that match do to complete hysteria.


oh i do hope Faux goes after Michelle big time, and states outright that she's a bitch and a whore... and in the process incurs the Wrath of the 52%. Hell hath no fury etc.


Being a Republican doesn't necessarily mean you have to be a gullible sack of shit. If the whiny Republicans in this thread want some respect, they need first to figure out that FOX news is corporate propaganda, and admit they've been had. Sorry folks, the truth isn't always pretty. Wise up.


uhhhh, Whats a republican??...I forget why it matters-

Demican, Republicrats, sittin' in trees,
F-U-C-K-I-N-G, (eff ewe cee kay eye enn gee)
and with the kinna' copulation, causes ess tee dees! (*STD's)

*Systematic Truth Decay

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