BBC interviews Richard Dawkins about "The God Delusion"


God, if real, exists outside of science. A better way to say it is this: science is in God. Science isn't in a position to make claims about a God it can't possibly observe.

On a lighter note,the Flying Spaghetti Monster reference was priceless.


I agree with westy! The interviewer is asking Professor Dawkins very hard questions, and each answer is more articulate than the one before. This is a fantastic interview, definitely makes me want to read the book.


You can't have it both ways, silvercord. If "science lives outside of God", then God, therefore, has to live outside of science. And the Bible and its followers make claim after claim that God has affected and still affects our physical existence. If that's true, then God does not "live outside of science", does He?

Dawkins says himself in the interview that it's impossible to prove the "existence" of anything - however, we can logically talk about the probability whether something exists.

And if you read the Bible, watch its followers, and think about our history, it's a hell of a lot more probable that it's myth than it is reality. I'm reading the book now, and it's excellent.


At 1:50, Dawkins only says, 'It is as unlikely...(that God exists)' NOT "It is certain."

Yet many here decide to hold the door for him and announce with certainty that, 'There is no God.'

None here would claim to be smarter than Dawkins, but everyone claims to be smarter than God. Ha. Ha.



O.K., I wasn't too clear. First I wrote, "God, IF real . . . "

then I wrote, "exists outside of science."

I didn't say, "science lives outside of God" or that God "exists outside the realm of science." Sorry to be misunderstood.

Here's all I meant. God, if real, exists outside of science in the same sense as the apple exists outside the seed. Now, the analogy will break down, of course, since, in the traditional definition, God is infinite; little seed, big apple. Really big apple.

If the seed of the apple, had a "knower" it could know certain things about the apple, but never could it apprehend the whole apple. Science, in the same way, can't possibly tell us if there is a God or not. It can only say, if there is a God, these are some things we can know about God. Or it can say, we don't see any God and then some people will infer from that God doesn't exist.

That's all I was saying.


Re-promoting this video to the front page as a VideoSift Classic. Originally published on Wednesday 27th September 2006 (promotion called by gold star member rickegee)


Wow, 4 years since this video first turned up on the sift. 4 years since I realised that I am a staunch atheist, and this was the video that did it. I had heard of one of Dawkin's previous books, The Blind Watchmaker, but never read it. It was this video that convinced me to get The God Delusion.

Awesome. How about a *promote?

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