BBC Brain Story part 3 The Mind's Eye - Optical Illusion

This is from the BBC documentary Brain Story.

I wanted to sift this clip (from the same documentary) about the question/illusion of Free Will, for the philosophy collective, but it's not embeddable unfortunately.

The thing about these illusions when they're shown on TV is that it changes a biocular cue, into a monocular cue. This tends to make the illusion a bit more dramatic as we lose true depth perception, and which is replaced by depth perception more reliant on visual cues. Our ability to extrapolate depth in a 2 dimensional environment is solely dependent on size and shape. To me this is a lot like a painting, where our knowledge of how things work regarding size, shape and distance, helps us determine the relative sizes of things in a painting.

That's not to say this particular illusion doesn't exist when viewed biocularly, just that it's probably not as profound. I've been in a room like that (it was at some carnival or something) and let me tell you it was very disorienting.



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