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Awesomely steep canal slide leads to back injury

"Dude, water got shot up my butthole" - No kidding! This looks like a lot of fun, although very risky.

i wonder if you could find something to ride down it on... but the angle is not designed.... to avoid an impact compression..

maybe a huge piece of foam/inflatable..? but you would probably get hurt more when the force transferred through the device... I think you would need.. something with such a large surface area and angled shape... that you would risk taking flight on the way down!

one of those manta ray things people fly on behind speedboats would be really crazy to watch on this thing!! if you made it, you would probably just totally pop it.. but it could lessen the impact... for one person for one ride...

if you insisted on using this 'slide'...starting at a lower height would seem the easiest way to avoid everlasting spine/hip/back trauma.

ooh, what about those crazy huge inflatable balls

but again you would probably do worse at the end if you were unrestrained inside... need to do it with a custom foam layer all around you... i think we may have a solution minus the potential to pop it! that would require a really well made zorb...

so: Kevlar Zorb with Memory Foam Encapsulation Module + Canal + team to remove you before you drown = WIN!


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