Apollo 10 Source Code Listing: The Art of Commenting

"We look at what might be some of the best ever commenting, embedded into historically significant Apollo code, courtesy of AGC programmer Don Eyles..."

From http://science.slashdot.org/story/20/06/13/2310204/a-spaceflight-engineer-recovers-the-lost-software-for-apollo-10s-lunar-module.

There's two kinds of Devs in this world: those who comment their code and those who need to be kicked down a stairwell, then punched repeatedly in the head, then kicked down ANOTHER stairwell before being punched in the head, socked in the guts, kicked in the nads, then hauled back up the stairs to be kicked down a third time before being thrown out a window to the rousing cheers of all the poor cunts who'll now have to figure what in the hell he was doing with 6,000 lines of C# that only appear to print the phrase, "Help! I'm being kicked down the stairs for not commenting my code!"


I feel the same way about tailgaters.


There's two kinds of Devs in this world: those who comment their code and those who need to be kicked down a stairwell, then punched repeatedly in the head, then kicked down ANOTHER stairwell before being punched in the head, socked in the guts, kicked in the nads, then hauled back up the stairs to be kicked down a third time before being thrown out a window to the rousing cheers of all the poor cunts who'll now have to figure what in the hell he was doing with 6,000 lines of C# that only appear to print the phrase, "Help! I'm being kicked down the stairs for not commenting my code!"

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