Andrej Pejic: Supermodel man/woman/femiman

So, he's a man, but he looks more like a woman and he's been modelling as a woman and a man, and is now the 11th biggest model in the world.

And yeah, he's pretty attractive.

Seems like a a bit of a manbo air head personality wise, but does have a pretty stunning look.

>> ^GenjiKilpatrick:

I'd fuck it.
[you mean like that @<a rel="nofollow" href="" title="member since August 21st, 2006" class="profilelink">spoco2?]

You're a man amongst men sir, your eloquence is unsurpassed, and you have started proceedings off on a high note indeed.


One of the horrors of "high fashion" models is the skeletal thinness of a lot of them. The designers also like to use 13-14 year olds, because they aren't developed yet.

The clothes hang better off an angular body. Can't get more angular than a skeleton.

So here is the very definition of a non-womanly body. No hips, no breasts, no curves.

His face is beautiful, but he is a clothes hanger, nothing more.


"He's got the look that everyone wants" - But who is every one? Certainly not the general populous, and certainly not the majority of people out there buying clothes. I'd say he's got the look of the industry which has never been what "everyone" wants.

The majority of people (and I'd wager a large majority) don't want that look.
Like Bareboards said - a clothes hanger, which means "He's got the look that everyone wants in a clothes hanger" - nothing more!

Oh, and who says "everyone want's that look"? - the Fashion elite of the industry.

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