Amazing Photoshop Ad

"The animation is a culmination of stop motion, live elements shot on HD Cam, and animated still images we shot on a light table. All elements were doctored and composited in Photoshop and After Effects."

The Action Cats at GSP
Design: Lisa Mishima
Animation: Chris Kelly, Mike Landry, Colin Trenter
Sound design: Shannon Botts
Producer: Nick Brown


Look, it's nice... but trying to make us go 'wow' by saying how it's done is missing the point. If it's just another piece of collagey retro feel animation (of which there are plenty), and it doesn't really look any better for having been shot for real, and if there is no story or hook or real interest in it, or stunning animation then...

I'm afraid I'm left thinking 'So'?


Well, spoco, it's an advertisement created by fans of Adobe products.

I'm not sure they were going for the "BEST ANIMATION EVER OF ALL TIME AND INFINITY", but probably something more along the lines of "hey look what we made, isn't it neat?"

And if you can clue the rest of us into this awesome treasure trove of THE BEST ANIMATION EVAR, then freaking sift it.

(and btw: retro? wth in this is retro? looks extremely futuristic to me. but what do I know, I'm just a 12+year animation veteran)

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