YouTube Description:
A 10-year-old US girl suffering from cerebral palsy is too afraid to leave her house because her neighbours continually mock her disability.
Ohio girl Hope Holcomb has regularly been bullied by her nine-year-old neighbour, but recently the boy's father has also begun teasing the young girl with both being captured on film mocking the limp Hope suffers as a result of her illness."It started last year we had trouble on the bus, she was miserable she didn't want to ride the bus, cried every morning," Hope's mother Tricia Knight told Fox 8 News."He treats her like crap, and most recently the dad got involved."
The video, filmed by Hope's grandmother, shows William Bailey picking his son up from the bus stop and both walking to their car with a deliberate limp.Hope's father was outraged when he watched the footage and questioned why a grown man would take aim at a young girl with a disability."It makes me sick too, to think that a grown man would tease a 10-year-old disabled girl that has never done a thing to any of them for no reason, and now she doesn't want to get on the bus to go to school," he said.Mr Bailey's wife Vickie says the two families are involved in an ongoing dispute and denied her husband was trying to bully the young girl.
Hive13I'd take a bat to that dad's ankles and give him that walk permanently.
Grow up and raise your kids with a shred of decency.
probie" think that a grown man would tease a 10-year old disabled girl..."
That's the problem right there. He's obviously not a grown man.
renatojjsays...But if the dad shows any compassion, he will look like a pussy and embarass his bully offspring.
YogiOk cards on the table...I laughed when I read the title.
EDIT: Ya know I've always hated the idea of "Asbos" or whatever in England. They just seemed stupid. This however, seems like a good reason to have them in America.
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Boise_LibCharges? No.
Public Humiliation? Hell Yeah!
RFlaggAh more great coverage of the Canton area here on the Sift... might see if I can find something positive about the area to post... ah... who am I kidding? This area is full of suck... and one of the main reasons I want out of it... I might have to at least start an Akron/Canton Playlist.
sirlivealotsays...The internet is always good at public shaming. I look forward to a sob story on how his life was destroyed.
jimnms>> ^ant:
The *kids channel description: "Sandbox for Sift Tots. This is a realm for videos that are suitable for children to enjoy. Non-kid-friendly videos that simply happen to contain a kid do not belong here." I don't think this is a video kids would enjoy.
*nochannel *news *controversy *fail
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TheDreamingDragonConsidering this "adult" s activly encouraging his kid to harass a poor crippled little girl,I think Child Services should consider taking his kid AWAY. Let the Law interfere with his life becase he is an Unfit Parent!
This is how a Real Man should treat an unfortunate child with such problems...
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