Al Gore to GOP Wingnut: "You Don't Know Me"

Al Gore responds to accusations of greed and personal gain for his active involvement in climate change issues.

"If you believe the reason I have been working on this issue for thirty years is because of greed, you don't know me"

>> ^ShakaUVM:
Is Videosift just a vault for ultra-left wing youtube clips now? Olbermann, Olbermann, Olbermann, Gore.
If you say it three times in the mirror, you turn into a dirty hippie.

It's not that. It's just that it's almost impossible to find video clips of GOP politicians who aren't either knowingly lying, or just irresponsibly stupid. If you ever find any, do submit them.


lol... Ultra Left?

You know that election thing? That democracy and freedom the troops protect? You know how that election that showed the current center left is the MAJORITY of opinion?

Yep that thing - that shows it's what 'most people agree with' is a left direction.
I'm afraid you minority of ultra conservative right wing fanatics - well noone agrees with you! Sorry.

Hey maybe you can get rid of that democracy thing and just tell all the democrat *majority* who disagree with you what to think.
What's that called again?


If there were intelligent and articulate right wing voices, proposing sound ideas for our future, then you'd be able to shut your fucking mouth in a second, wouldn't you? But those voices do not exist, so you lash out against Olbermann and Al Gore because you have nothing else to talk about. You don't even mention the subject of these videos, but only the characters. Go write an article for Conservapedia if you want people to lift you on a pedestal.

>> ^ShakaUVM:
Is Videosift just a vault for ultra-left wing youtube clips now? Olbermann, Olbermann, Olbermann, Gore.
If you say it three times in the mirror, you turn into a dirty hippie.


>> ^ShakaUVM:
Is Videosift just a vault for ultra-left wing youtube clips now? Olbermann, Olbermann, Olbermann, Gore.
If you say it three times in the mirror, you turn into a dirty hippie.

I wouldn't worry about what we're doing, I've read a few of your comments and I don't think you'll last much longer...


Hah, "ultra left". If you consider the Obama administration as anything other than center then you're political spectrum and ideologies are significantly minuscule. The real left is an expensive endeavor, yes ; and if it ever happens the culture, lifestyle and mentally of the majority would be healthier and happier. Maybe they do not have the foresight, since right-wingers lack much of the knowledge and head strength to handle anything but a culture less life ; but it would make right-wingers have something to live other for than their guns, trucks, guilt, sin, burgers, corporate mainstream bullshit and a holy book of made up fables. Imagine all the happy people just at the beginning of that iceberg.

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