Aiglx + Beryl - More Linux OS Eye Candy


Pretty kewl looking os but i though linux users were all about functionality not how pretty it was.
Most linuz users i know damn Vista and XP because microsoft just made an old OS look all pretty and user friendly...
Ohh well. Games require windows to run right so i run windows...


Sometimes that's what it takes to get the masses to try something new. Where the masses go, the games and apps will follow.

Good competition will only give microsoft a reason to try harder and keep getting better. Competition benefits us all.

Just look at how much better IE has gotten because of Firefox.


Transitions are nice, but effects that you actually have to wait for are just frustrating. Although I'm sure it's configurable, depending on how much of a hacker you are. OSX's expose is still far greater than the beryl version, where windows seem to all jumble around and overshoot their mark...

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