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Agnosticism - Bill Maher, George Carlin, Karen Armstrong

Bill maher pointing out the simplicity of agnosticism.

I've grown a bit weary of Bill Maher and avoid videos with him lately, but this is just fine. I would say that atheist and agnostic is the same thing really, but that's a long discussion usually.


I think that's more because people simply confuse the two, when they're stating two different things. Atheism/theism relates to what you believe, agnosticism/nosticism relates to what you know. So really, most people who proclaim to be agnostic are actually agnostic atheists.

And yeah, crappy music is crappy.>> ^gwiz665:
I've grown a bit weary of Bill Maher and avoid videos with him lately, but this is just fine. I would say that atheist and agnostic is the same thing really, but that's a long discussion usually.


It's all about marketing and that's what is so pathetic about the whole deal.

You can't know there is a god, and by the same token, you can't know that there isn't one. The only SANE answer is that we don't know. Which is the definition of agnosticism.

The problem is, in today's world, admitting you don't know something is perceived as a weakness, which is why, in my opinion, very few people would identify as an agnostic even though it more accurately describes what's going on.

American media loves conflict so they set it up as a fake battle. Theists and Atheists duking it out when it couldn't be further than the truth and it's set up in such a way that even if Atheists win, we're just going to trade one set of asshole tyrants for another. There are too many people out there who simply want revenge against Christianity for the trauma they've inflicted on a docile populace and if those types of people come into power, we're not really improving for the better. You're just trading one dogma for another.

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