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ACORN Natl Spokesman Gets Kicked Off The Set By Glenn Beck

Undisputed Douchebaggery

This is the strategy folks! You can't silence your opponent but you can repeat his words back to him in a sissy voice, mock his hand gestures, ask the same leading question over and over, loudly insert your version of his answer over his protests, mug to the camera, then berate him behind his back after you've kicked him out.
Oh wait, I was wrong.... you CAN silence your opponent, too.


A much better parallel than bathing in the sink would be: Burger King employees who pocket money from the drive-thru. I'm sure Burger King has greater than 20 per 13,000 employees.

Also, Glenn Beck is insane.


agreed... note the * terrible

I did not post this because I agree with or in any way support Glenn Beck. In fact, I do not take offense to people downvoting this bullsh*t. I posted it because it gives context to a current top ten, and I think the spokesman for ACORN does a very nice job.


This post has been re-published and promoted, and 8 votes have been applied in response to the careless misuse of the dupeof invocation by member volumptuous. Dupeof privileges have been revoked for member volumptuous.


This post has been re-published and promoted then re-discarded in response to the careless misuse of the dupeof invocation by member volumptuous and the careless misuse of Lucky760's admin powers. Dupeof privileges have been revoked for member volumptuous. Admin privileges have been revoked for member Lucky760.

You all lose.

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