8 year olds dude...
I came across this because it was a 'Related Video' when I was looking this up
http://www.videosift.com/video/Gun-Slinging-Girl-On-Schoolbus-Tackled-by-HS-Football-Playr Quoted from Youtube:
"This is an 8, 10, and 12 year old girl shooting an AR15 in Texas. This is protecting our 2nd Amendment right along with the future generations preparing for what certain people in power are bringing to our country... "
Preparing how exactly? For civil war?
And is having an 8 year old shoot an AR15 really protecting your rights? If anything I would argue it could potentially put your rights at risk because an 8 year old is that much more likely to hurt themselves or someone else with the firearm. *shakes head* Where were all these loons when the Patriot Act came out?
[EDIT] I missed the last few seconds of the video before I posted. I had an inkling that that's where he was going (some kind of anti Obama something) but I didnt realize the depths of his depravity until the end there. Nothing says patriotic like defamation of the president!!!
snooznsays...Does the girl say "bunch of Iraqis" in the middle? (As in, that's who she is pretending to shoot)? This is horrible. I'm okay with teaching kids to shoot, even though I would never let my kids do so. But the way this is presented just makes me sad and angry. I think this comes close to being a threat against the president.
blankfistThat's AWESOME! Those will be my kids, too!
XaxI don't think I'd have my kids participate, but I don't have an inherent problem with it, nor the Second Amendment. This isn't exactly a terrorist training camp. So some douche added the Obama thing at the end, but so what?
westyIts funny because conservatives in USA fail to realise obama is conservative , Its allso amusing that they dont realise that Iraq had nothing to do with 911 or much really (pretty bad dictatorship but so is north Korea and allot of other places) or the fact that 99% of Iraqis are innocent people that just want to live and do general living shit.
nothing wrong with teaching kids how to shoot , or do anything that's potently dangerous , providing they understand what context its aceptable to use the potentail dangerouse item in . this Video shows the parents actively incoraging them to think of guns as killing tools and insighting hatrade.
Every year people play with explosives you don't have an outcry against this despite the fact its the same stuff ( close enough) to what is used in suicide bombings or weapons. the point is if explosives are used in the context of a celebration or just fun there is no problem , so long as its done safely.
however if you have a video of parents showing the kids how to use explosives to kill people or saying YAAA BLOW UP THE PAKIES WITH THE BOMB that would be difrent.
saying all that in the UK we celebrate the burning of guy fawlks on a huge fire pretty amusing really , but like Christmas the event has simply become a celebration of itself with little or no relivence to the original point other than historical interest.
Croccydilesays...I think protecting the second amendment would be defending it to the supreme court if it were ever challenged or your rights were infringed.
Seems to me they are working more on the first amendment here more than the second.
AntiClimax"Its funny because conservatives in USA fail to realise obama is conservative."
I realize that Liberal and Conservative is all relative but by American standards, Obama is *not* a conservative. At all. He's not even a Centrist.
As for protecting the Second Amendment, exercising it and teaching others how to exercise it is protecting it. Sure there are more effectual ways like fighting court battles, but what's the point of having a right if one isn't going to use it?
Granted, the heavy handed political statement was unnecessary but, as Croccydile pointed out, that's more to do with the First Amendment than the second.
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