5-year old sets new world record for "air" push-ups

The previous record was 12.

Wow. With all the weights this kid does it sure is a good thing that his skeleton isn't still soft and growing, 'cause stuff like that could really cause him problems.

I hate this shit. He obviously enjoys it, no doubt. But he's in no position at that age to know the damage this is doing to him. His parents aren't pushing him, but they should be protecting him from harming himself.


>> ^robbersdog49:
Wow. With all the weights this kid does it sure is a good thing that his skeleton isn't still soft and growing, 'cause stuff like that could really cause him problems.
I hate this shit. He obviously enjoys it, no doubt. But he's in no position at that age to know the damage this is doing to him. His parents aren't pushing him, but they should be protecting him from harming himself.

Fair enough, but certainly no worse than letting your kid get obese, there are apparently over a million obese Aussie kids now and we only have a population of 20m =\


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