1,000 Attack Oslo Pro-Israel Rally w/ Knives, Bats & Molotov

Jan 08, 2009 17:08 EST

OSLO, Jan 8 (Reuters) - Oslo police detained at least 27 people on Thursday after pro-Israeli and pro-Palestinian demonstrators clashed in one of the worst such outbursts in the Norwegian capital since the 1980s.

Shop windows in the city centre were shattered and police repeatedly used teargas to break up groups of activists demonstrating over Israel's crackdown in the Gaza Strip.

The violence started when about 1,000 pro-Palestinian supporters showed up at a rally sponsored by Norway's largest opposition party in support of Israel. Television pictures showed they burned Israeli flags and threw projectiles at police clad in body armour who separated the two groups.

"This has nothing to do with the situation in Gaza," Johan Fredriksen, chief of staff of the Oslo police, told the website of the daily Aftenposten.

"These people came to the protest with knives, bats and Molotov cocktails," he said, speaking about the pro-Palestinian side.

"You have to go back to the early 1980s to find a similar situation in Norway," Fredriksen said, adding that police were still concerned about security across the city.

Clashes also took place near the Israeli embassy.

Tabloid VG on its website said that Oslo was the site of a "street fight" with groups of men throwing rocks and bottles at police. One police car was trashed and one officer injured.

Before the flare up, some 15,000 people walked through the city centre for a peaceful, torch-lit protest, police said.

Misleading title, 1000 people showing up for a counter-rally doesn't equal 1000 people attacking the pro-Israel group. Still, good for those that did. Supporters of the Israeli murder squads in Gaza are plainly guilty by definition, a face full of burning fuel's just what they deserve. Wrong of the police to interfere, but that's fascism for you.


This is the social cost of importing such troublesome individuals. Why the hell does Scandinavia need a bunch of Africans and Muslims? What did Norwegians ever do to deserve this?

Europe used to be a haven for free thought, but now you can get attacked in your own country by bands of raving religious immigrants.

"This has nothing to do with the situation in Gaza." Yeah, it has everything to do with the origin of the immigrants you accept.


>> ^gorillaman:
Wrong of the police to interfere, but that's fascism for you.

The Fascism at play here is IslamoFascism. Norwegians and Swedes are no longer safe in their own cities, thanks to the suicidal immigration policies pushed by their political class.

The once pround Norse now dhimmi in their own lands.


>> ^Farhad2000:
Pprt and mharvey42 should like copulate. Fucking idiots.

How insightful.

Pray share why exactly these dregs deserve to be in Oslo and how this type of behaviour demonstrates their gratefulness towards Norwegians?


>> ^vaporlock:
Maybe if the Palestinians had a state to return to you could send them back to it. It is kind of rude to crash a peaceful pro-war rally though.

Well, of the 45 people detained in the first riot, there was only one palestinian, 2 had an "ethnic Norwegian" background and the rest were from different ethnic backgrounds.

I think the violence is extrapolated and exaggerated by the media here, just a good old demonstration turned riot, keeps the cops busy, changes nothing in the end. I live near Oslo, but I am far more concerned about the poor bastards down in Gaza than a couple of hundred hooligans and a few broken windows up here.

Also, I'd be much more worried about forgotten wars and humanitarian disasters like the one unfolding in Congo as we speak.


The saddest part of this video is at 3:00, when the middle-aged palestinian immigrant tried to intervene. He asked them why they are rioting in Oslo instead of going to Gaza to help the people there, which would actually be something valuable. The mob wasn't prepared to have their views challenged by one they thought of as their own, and so they resorted to shouting "Go home!" and throwing a tear gas cannister at him. It just goes to show that these hooligans do not speak for the palestinian immigrants in Norway.

Fundies exist on all sides in this conflict, and they are almost indistinguishable in their hatred.

>> ^mharvey42:
The Fascism at play here is IslamoFascism. Norwegians and Swedes are no longer safe in their own cities, thanks to the suicidal immigration policies pushed by their political class.
The once pround Norse now dhimmi in their own lands.

What the fuck do you know about my safety? I don't know which country you live in, but I would venture to say that the streets of Oslo are safer at any time of day than wherever you spend your days. The so-called suicidal immigration policies are agreed upon by almost all political parties, and are well-founded in the views of the people. That is something quite different than "pushed by the political class".

Fuck you and Pprt for trying to tell me what is best for my country without ever having lived here or having any knowledge about what exactly our immigration policies are.


>> ^Ornthoron:
The Fascism at play here is IslamoFascism. Norwegians and Swedes are no longer safe in their own cities, thanks to the suicidal immigration policies pushed by their political class.
The once pround Norse now dhimmi in their own lands.

What the fuck do you know about my safety? I don't know which country you live in, but I would venture to say that the streets of Oslo are safer at any time of day than wherever you spend your days. The so-called suicidal immigration policies are agreed upon by almost all political parties, and are well-founded in the views of the people. That is something quite different than "pushed by the political class".
Fuck you and Pprt for trying to tell me what is best for my country without ever having lived here or having any knowledge about what exactly our immigration policies are.

So you would feel safe in Malmo, say, walking alone at night with a lady friend? http://fjordman.blogspot.com/2005/02/muslim-rape-epidemic-in-sweden-and.html

Look, don't blame me, but the uncontrolled immigration of evermore belligerant and insular Muslims is destroying your country. Within 20 years they will have to keep the natives in zoos and game parks: rare spectacles to be observed.

Which brings up another touchy subject: you should be procreating and sustaining your population so you don't feel you have to import cheap labor (at such a high cost to your society). you are fixing to be bred into extinction.

It's pretty safe where I live, thanks for asking. Rural northeast of North American. We have guns and good neighbors here to keep it that way.

Anyways, why waste your rage on we who support your soveriegnty? Spend a little on the political class who has sold you down the river.


Socialists and fascists rejoice - Jihad in Oslo!

Where is BOPE when you need it? Hell, we should maybe get the IDF to come over and teach us how to really deal with these boys and girls.

Funny seeing an immigrant thug telling a Norwegian man to "go home".


i completely understand the feelign of wanting to do something radical when your home country is being invaded. the frustration of being "stuck" far away on some other place on the planet must be intense. but some random oslo people got beaten up from little palestinian boys, stores broken etc. i cannot sympathize with this reaction.


>> ^Farhad2000:
Seriously you are citing Fjordman? from 2005 no less? of Jihad Watch and LittleGreenFootballs?
Consider your sources before you post.

Fjordman is a quality writer on European social issues. It's only gotten worse since 2005.


Fjordman is a quality writer on European social issues.
Lol, yeah, he's from Trøndelag, Muslim population: 3. He doesnt know shit. I live in one of the most multi-cultural streets in this country, and I've got nothing to complain about. I wont say immigration is problem-free, but people like him presents a one-sided propaganda-like image, Take for instance his comparison of Malmø and Copenhagen, this is classic statistics-poisoning, As far as I know Denmark is one of the most liberal immigration-states in scandinavia, Malmø may have a higher percentage of Muslims, but Copenhagen still has lots, besides, the high crime rate COULD be directly linked to immigration, and it could be a number of other social, economic and security issues. Most likely its a combination of all of the above. When morons like fjordman presents statistics, they are looking to prove a point, which is the first flaw in reading statistics, and a crime of sorts when presenting them.

In short, the fjordman fellow is certainly not a respected authority on "European social issues", and given this first article that I've now seen of him, I dont consider him a quality writer on the issue either. More likely he's a scared little redneck in a remote part of Trøndelag typing this baloney with a shotgun at his side, knowing nothing about immigrants nor immigration.


Well, a low crime rate is a universally desired goal, but it's not actually the end of the world to have an increase in violent crime. Scandinavia may simply end up more like the US in that regard, but that just means you have to watch out for yourself more... not the worst thing if it's the way it has to be.

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