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The Follow Up Question-How to defeat Republicans

zombieater says...

>> ^ChaosEngine:

>> ^lantern53:
White men are the most maligned people on the planet. We make laws here protecting women from domestic abuse, providing health care and free breakfasts for their kids, etc. yet because this man is not a woman, he is some kind of shit to be abused.
By your logic, since he is a man, he must be thinking that woman are property to be utilized in any way with no regard for their well-being.
Your logic is porked.

And once again the point goes screaming over your tiny little head.
Let me put it in terms you can understand.
Hypothetically, I am a disabled hispanic wiccan lesbian (covered all the bases there I think) and horrified at the number of people killed on our roads every year, I propose a law banning all cars.
When asked by an interviewer if I have ever wondered why people drive, I respond that I'd never really thought about it. Clearly this shows I'm not really qualified to legislate on this issue (at the very least I haven't performed due diligence).
This has nothing to do with my gender, race, religion, sexual orientation or favourite flavour of ice cream. It's because I simply haven't thought the issue through.

Finally. Bravo!

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zombieater says...

Of all the political issues of today, this scares me the most. From the recent Supreme Court ruling to allow SuperPACs to the privatization of previously local government-run institutions, the secret class war that so many on the right deny is happening is becoming more and more prevalent. I truly hope this can be turned around, but the only way I see that happening is for people to achieve more faith in local, state, and the federal government and at the same time see the errors in this methodology. It may take some horrible incident of private ownership wresting the freedom from local civilians or it may just be a slow churning of ideas and a shifting mentality that forces us to wake up. Whichever occurs, I cannot wait for our collective eyes to open.

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zombieater says...

From a fellow Halifax / Dartmouth native who also recently visited Vancouver and Vancouver Island, I feel your pain. Although, I'm now in North Carolina rather than China, even this relatively small geographic hop makes me feel out of place at times.

I hope all goes well with your move and you can continue to contribute to the sift. Good luck!

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