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Impatient Driver Destroys Caravan

yellowc says...

No I don't think the accident is avoided even without the caravan, to me it looks like the car may have got clipped, judging from the angle at @0:18.

The caravan looks like it just came along for the ride, it gets pulled apart by the severe bending, not a direct hit.

worthwords said:

is it just me or would that be an incredibly tight cut in even without a caravan.

Bosch self-drive car demo

yellowc says...

Did a few of miss the part where you can select the parts that are automated and manual?

You're asking for situations where you can choose and the video shows that almost as the first feature. It's there people

Personally for me, it makes sense to have it be 100% automated by default, place your hands on those bits for 3seconds to enter manual. Release both hands, reverts back to automatic.

The 3 seconds is more of a human thing, I'm sure the the car never actually stops any of its automatic calculations, it simply turns on/off if you can control steering and acceleration.

Presto, enjoy driving however you want and not driving whenever you want.

I'm still a firm of advocate of 100% forced automation, sorry, humans are just far too incapable to be driving death machines. I'm sorry if you enjoy it, we'll just create little "driving vacation spots" and we can all move on? After all, you're probably not getting nostalgic about your commutes to work.

But it'll take a while yet for the automation to be able to handle 100% of driving. In the mean time, this sort of dual mode looks pretty great to me.

Special Relativity and the Twin Paradox

yellowc says...

Agreed, that was an absolute jumble. The 5min video you linked is substantially clearer.

GenjiKilpatrick said:

This is the most confusing explanation of this phenomenon I've seen in a while.

Seriously, too many jump cuts & wordy script.

1 min Explanation -

5 min Animation -

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Daylight Saving Time

yellowc says...

I never understood 9-5, do they include breaks as part of your 8hrs work in USA? We don't get paid to survive, it's like 9-530 or 9-6.

jimnms said:

Instead of changing clocks to get an extra hour of daylight after work, why not just leave the time alone and change "normal" working hours from 9-5 to 8-4? One place I worked I had the hours of 7-3. I loved those hours. It was nice to get off at 3pm and still have plenty of daylight to do things.

Jimmy Kimmel's Update on the Anti-Vaccination Discussion

A Message for the Anti-Vaccine Movement

A Message for the Anti-Vaccine Movement

yellowc says...

You can seek the advise of more than one GP and compare.

By their very title, GPs don't even claim to be the end all of medical knowledge They are in place to ensure the specialists (who are already severely booked) are not swamped with unnecessary work for common treatments, like vaccination.

This also isn't an issue that may vary between doctors or one they can have lack of knowledge about (like your fathers issue). This is a long standing, historically proven treatment.

I know you're not against vaccination but my point is, there's no need to muddy the issue with unrelated treatments where you weren't diagnosed 100%.

Digitalfiend said:

Is it just me or does the guy at 4:33 look like Willem Dafoe? Kind of acts like him too lol.

I vaccinated my daughter, but let's not kid ourselves, *general practitioners* are not the end-all-be-all of medical knowledge and, collectively, they make wrong diagnoses and mistakes all the time. For instance, my family doctor prescribed Flovent to my daughter when she was less than a year old, yet the manufacturer's literature clearly states not to give it to children under a year of age. My father was prescribed a drug for a medical condition which should not be given to patients that have atrial fibrillation - he questioned his cardiologist about this and was told not to take the medication. Good thing he didn't just rely on his other doctor's infallible judgement (and yes the other doctor was aware of his heart condition.)

Most general practitioners are likely not at the forefront of medical research; I'd much rather trust the advice of a medical researcher or specialist in the field. I trust our well-tested vaccines, but that doesn't mean future vaccines might not carry unknown or unexpected risks (see Pandemrix).

I'm not sure how serious they were about not treating patients that refuse to vaccinate their children, but up here in Canada, I'm not sure that would fly. I'm not sure a GP can refuse to treat a parent because they refuse to vaccinate their child; it would be an interesting case to see argued in court. It has something to do with the way the Human Rights Code is defined: physicians must provide services without discrimination, which may be in conflict with their moral beliefs.

Madonna Gets It In The Neck

yellowc says...

Well she definitely attempted to untie it, seems like there was an extra knot or so she wasn't quite aware of. Pretty innocent mistake really, probably not even her fault, I'm sure she untied it in that manner in rehearsal a few times and it went fine.

eric3579 said:

That was quite the fall. Did they try and pull off her cape which she hadn't untied?
So all on her?

Cat Doesn't Give a Damn What You Say

yellowc says...

Yeah I find it very hard to be angry at my cat when she does this. It's both infuriating because they damn well know they're being cheeky and super cute because they damn well know they're being cheeky.

Airplane Snore

Mariah Carey's Lip Sync Fail - Jamaica Jazz & Blues Festival

Mess With The Cat, Get The Fangs (And Claws)

yellowc says...

You could have stopped your comment there

Everything about this video was wrong wrong wrong. If you want to own an animal and are not willing to invest the time to understand the behaviour of that animal. Firstly, you shouldn't own it but secondly, you deserve what's coming to you.

You never ever "play" with a cat with your own limbs. Not with protection on, not under the bed sheets, not as a kitten with their cute harmless teeth, never. Cats are built to kill things and they're very good at it.

This wasn't play though, this was deliberate intimidation and the cat was extremely distressed. Cats are very protective of the top of their heads, as you would rightly imagine and it tells you a lot the cat is immediately angry he goes near it.

This means they have no bond, none, so the history of this person and the cat is not good. If a cat trusts you, it would not react in this manner, it may shy away or gently tell you "I'm not in the mood for a head scratch", even to a stranger a cat is unlikely to do more than give a soft warning bite at first (they hurt but generally won't penetrate skin).

So you really shouldn't have any sympathy for this person, nothing in this video remotely suggests he has ever been kind to this cat and if it is feral, well then he's just a damn idiot.

dannym3141 said:

I've never had a cat...

Bill Gates drinks water that used to be human poop

yellowc says...

It's like if you watched a cow get shot in the head, carved up and then served to you on a plate. You might be like "I'm gonna eat this timidly".

If you just walk in to a restaurant, totally abstracted from the process and a juicy hunk of meat is presented to you. You just dive right in.

If this water just came out of your tap and it was clean, tasteless and deemed healthy. Few days and you'd totally forget where or how it got there.

lucky760 said:

They say it's the cleanest and purest water possible, but that's not true. As we learned in 2014 here on VideoSift, if you were to drink the purest water, you'd DIE.

And notice that Bill took only half of a half of a sip.

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