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Key & Peele: Office Homophobe

xxovercastxx says...

I'm not defining what is and is not gay, I'm saying that "one who is sexually attracted to those of one's own sex" is how we define homosexual and 'gay' is just a slang term for that. I'm just citing the definition, not deciding what it is. If you don't feel that 'gay' is synonymous with 'homosexual' in this context, then we won't be able to have this debate.

To address your claims about me, no, I'm not saying I'm only willing to tolerate a plain vanilla male personality. I don't mind a guy wearing a pink shirt; I don't mind an effeminate guy; I don't mind a gay guy; and I don't mind any combination of these things.

However, if he shoves a picture of his asshole in my face, unprompted and at work no less, then he's an asshole. If he accuses me of being homophobic just because I don't like him, then he's an asshole.

If this character was a straight woman with penis paraphernalia all over her desk, a picture of her asshole on her phone, and detailed genital descriptions of the guy she slept with last night, I wouldn't like her either.

scottishmartialarts said:

Says who? What authority do you have to define what is and what is not gay? Your essentially saying that gays can only be gay in respect to whom they are attracted to. Anything else which deviates from mainstream heterosexual norms is "immature" and the mark of an "asshole". In other words you're only willing to tolerate difference so long as it's in a way that's acceptable to you. Who is the asshole again?

Again, the flamboyant character is caricature and much of his behavior is not work approrpriate. But it's entirely possible for a gay man to be effeminate and still be professional. According to you and this video however, once a gay man crosses the line into effeminancy, and starts to be different in a way that's harder to understand, then he deserves what's coming. I have a problem with that.

Key & Peele: Office Homophobe

xxovercastxx says...

...and yet none of the signature qualities of Key's character are actually gay.

There's nothing gay about his haircut, his shirt, his lisp or his asshole-selfie. The only thing gay about him is his sexual attraction to men. The rest is just his personality.

I wouldn't tolerate an immature, inconsiderate, unprofessional straight asshole, so why should I have to tolerate one who's gay?

scottishmartialarts said:

Well how else are we supposed to read it? The sympathetic character looks and acts "normal", and the viewer is led to assume that he is straight, with the twist at the end being that he's gay too, albeit a kind of gay that straight people won't find threatening, i.e. just like any other average guy except for whom he dates. After this revelation, the unsympathetic, annoying, obnoxious, flamboyant gay guy turns to himself and says "I'm not oppressed: I'm just an asshole!" In other words, gay people allegedly don't experience oppression and those that feel that they do are probably just obnoxiously flamboyant, like this guy, and hence deserve any negative reaction they get.

Don't get me wrong. I'm well aware that this is just a comedy sketch, and likewise anything even approximating the flamboyant man's behavior would be completely inappropriate in the workplace. But that said, I find it deeply disturbing that the implied messaging here is "if gay people just looked and acted like straight people, except in the bedroom, no one would have any problem with them."

Enter Pyongyang

Rap Critic: Gangsta's Paradise by Coolio

xxovercastxx says...

I'm 35, HS class of 96, so Gangsta's Paradise came out early in my senior year.

I remember there was a volunteer exercise in health class where we were asked to bring in a song that we found powerful or meaningful, play it for the class, and then discuss it. Someone brought GP in and, during the discussion portion, the teacher told us that so far at least one person in every class had chosen this song.

Even people like myself who generally did not listen to rap appreciated this song. Only the honkiest of honkies felt otherwise.

There was definitely something about this song in that time.

How NOT to Impress a Girl

Neil deGrasse Tyson on genetically modified food

xxovercastxx says...

This is exactly right.

"GMO" is agriculture taken almost to its purest form. We're rewriting the sheet music now rather than simply conducting the orchestra, but the end product is still to produce the symphony.

Instead of selecting for desirable traits over generations to get what we want, we can create it directly.

The problem, of course, is that some entities will and are using this new tool to do harm. If someone wants to protest that, I'll be right there with them, but don't ban hammers just because they can be used to hurt people. We have houses to build.

ChaosEngine said:

Farm animals weren't engineering by NATURE and NATURAL SELECTION, we did that shit. Bananas, wheat, dogs, horses, you name it, none of them exist now as they would without human intervention. Hell, there was a recent Top 15 video about his very subject.

We've been doing this for centuries and we've just gotten better at it.

Why do it? The yields might not be astronomical, but in lots of cases they enable some yield over nothing.

Should there be strong regulatory oversight? Of course, same way there is for any commercially produced food.

But the fact is, it's going to happen, and anyone who opposes it is pissing in the wind.

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