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Traffic Pole vs Truck (Amazing!)

tooley says...

What is that thing made of? Poletonium? Poletasticness?

It was poletacular. Gives a whole new meaning to the term "pole dancing".

As in, "I want to see a terrorist in a truck bomb do a little pole dancing."


Police Uncuff Suspect Just to Beat the Crap Out of Him

If You Just Keep Tasering Him, He'll Listen Eventually, Right? [Language NSFW] (2:15 min)

tooley says...

We citizens have laws, we pay other citizens to police ourselves. I am neither compassionate nor shocked. The alternative is to have allowed a drunk to continue on the road, as a threat to others and himself. This was a wonderful use of technology to lessen the risk to the officer, to the offender, and to the rest of us. The drunk man in the video is completely at fault for his irresponsible actions. Whatever happens to him as the result of a tazing is his fault and his alone, directly as a result of his willful choices to become inebriated. The officer's choices were limited. The suspect refused to comply. The suspect assaulted the officer. At this point, the officer could have lawfully done many things, but remained fairly composed and as a result, the suspect complied and was arrested for his offenses.

Barbara Walters puts her foot down on the View

tooley says...

Not necessarily on this topic, but something that does perturb me is our unwillingness to stick with logical, well-reasoned, fallacy-free argumentation and discussion. And once we have a conclusion, supported by unimpeachable facts and reasoning, we can't stick with it. We flutter like a leaf in the breeze at the next idea that comes along and contradicts our conclusion.

The "We" I'm really commenting on also doesn't exist strictly. It's more of the generalized societal consensus portrayed in the media as representing all Americans. I'm sure if (any two real people) had a well reasoned debate, we could walk away from it convinced. But that's just two of us.

The real question becomes, why don't the people guarding the gates of information broadcasting (the news media?) get more fierce about defending the truth? I'm thinking of something you see really rarely in the mainstream media, or even in the cable media. Sometimes you get a ray of hope from Jon Stewart or Stephen Colbert, or folks like those. But more often than not you get a mishmash. The answer to the question of why here is probably advertizing and the business model that surrounds the media. Good luck with that one. Well, it is the free market, more or less.

So if it is the free market, then it is only materially influenced by demand (remember, economic demand is not just what we want, but what we are willing and able to buy.)

Therefore, only when people start demanding the truth, will it become a staple of the evening news.

Here's to some productive public discourse.

Daily Show: Network Coverage of Mel Gibson

Roof Wrestling Idiots

Mountain Dew - Master

Angry Halo 2 Gamer (NSFW Language)

tooley says...

Sounds like one of those people who actually can't play the game. Here's a clue for him. Turn the television off, and go breathe the air outside. Feel the sun. Shut your foul mouth until you learn how to use it constructively.

The History of the Mormon Religion

Hydrofoil Surfboard

The new 'not really racist' Sheriff of St. Tammany Parish

tooley says...

It sounds like the clip started a fair bit into the interview, and there certainly was more context than we're given. If his only point was that nonproductive slackards from NO were going to be given the stiff treatment in a town where people tend to be normal (working) citizens, then I fail to see the racism. Sounds like a very chill version of the police captain character from Big Lebowski.

It's OK - Bush in 30 Seconds

North Korean Mass Gymnastics

tooley says...

Just a bit of perspective. It was definitely a cool vid to watch, but just needs a bit of perspective.

"North Korea has between 150,000 and 200,000 political prisoners working as slave laborers"

"We [could not] turn into a Communist society along with the religious people. Therefore, we purged the key leaders above the rank of deacons in Protestant or Catholic churches and the wicked among the rest were put on trial. The general religious people were…put into prison camps [and given a chance to reform]…. We learned later that those of religion can do away with their old habits only after they have been killed." - Goh Tae Woo, Bukhanui jonggyo jeongchaek (North Korea’s Policies on Religion), Minjokmunhwasa,
1989, ppp79-80.

Materazzi's Greatest Dirty Hits - The Guy Zidane Headbutted

tooley says...

I hope that guy has a cracked sternum from Zidane's headbut. He deserved it. He's a shitty player from the looks of it. All of a sudden, it makes perfect sense. I wanted to know what he said to Zidane, but this brings it into perspective.

Bill Bennett Beatdown on Meet the Press

tooley says...

I am glad people can watch this. Just keep track of the arguments each person makes, and which ones are factual and follow some logic, versus, say, emotional pleas. Watch for politeness, staying on the specific topic of discussion. Take it in. We live in a really great country because we can debate, openly, even contensiously. What would help us further is to be able to focus on the topic(s) at hand, and keep ourselves from getting wrapped up in our emotions while debating.

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