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Family Feud: She Says 1st Thing That Comes To Mind

Presidential Seal Falls off Lecturn and Obama Has Nice Save

Presidential Seal Falls off Lecturn and Obama Has Nice Save

thinker247 says...

So are you enjoying high unemployment?: No, as I am one of the unemployed. But I don't see how Obama is to blame for that. Please enlighten me.
a looted Treasury run by a tax cheat?: No, but when has the Federal Treasury ever been run by someone who wasn't stealing from it?
an arrogant Congress?: You mean the Republicans? Because the Democrats don't get enough shit done to be arrogant. They wouldn't know how to be arrogant.
weakened standing in the world?: That's just retarded. There is no way we're weaker in standing than we were the past eight years.
soon-to-be post-office-quality health care?: I've never had a problem with the post office. But I've had a problem with healthcare.

Also, that quote is one of the dumbest things I've ever read. The only way it would make any sense was if "George W. Bush" was substituted for "Obama."
>> ^quantumushroom:

So are you enjoying high unemployment, a looted Treasury run by a tax cheat, an arrogant Congress, weakened standing in the world and soon-to-be post-office-quality health care??
“The danger to America is not Barack Obama but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency. It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president.
The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails America. Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince.
The Republic can survive a Barack Obama, who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who made him their president.”

Presidential Seal Falls off Lecturn and Obama Has Nice Save

thinker247 says...

I would have voted for a Kenyan witch doctor if it meant that the Maverick and his Bumbling Sidekick wouldn't have brought their ridiculous views of the ®eal Ameri©a into the White House.
>> ^quantumushroom:

If people had actually been informed in '08 about who and what he was, he'd never have been elected. Kenya dig it?

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QI - Beatles Album Covers

thinker247 says...

That's a silly conspiracy. Like the Bible Code or Nostradamus' quatrains or Glenn Beck's sanity. GET A GRIP, MAN! They're watching us. I have the tin foil for our hats.
>> ^bleedmegood:

espstein spelled backwards is nietspse....brian has 5 letters in it....move 5 spaces to the left on an alphebetic continuum and you get anagram of epstein idzonknz is 'END ZEN ZIP IS KNOT'....END ZEN ZIP IS KNOT???!?!? Wake up sheeple! End zen zip is knot expressed in morse code is clearly - _- _-- A __-- - _- A __-- -- -__- A -- --- A _-_ _- ___ _ tanslate that into binary and you get
0010110101011111010111110010110 <---(right there. the rosicrucian 'all seeing eye') 1001000000100000100100000001011

QI - Beatles Album Covers

thinker247 says...

If you arrange the letters of both NUJV and HELP into alphabetical order you have JNUV and EHLP. If you convert them to their ordinal rank, you have 10,14,21,22 and 5,8,12,16. If you subtract the numbers of the second set from the numbers of the first set you have 5,6,9,6. Transform that back into letters and you spell EFIF. Spelled backward, that is fife, which is the Old English word for five. It's plain to see that the Beatles were mentioning their manager (and so-called fifth Beatle), Brian Epstein.

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thinker247 says...

Yes, voting in a "yahoo asshole" will certainly make things better. That's the way to use your noggin.
>> ^triumphtigercub:

Hit me with that mother fucking stick asshole. And stop telling me you are doing all you can but I can't take my kids to the beach in Florida with a goddamm shovel and a pail, because I might find some fucking BP residue 6 inches under the top sand. Obama, I'm seriously thinking about voting some yahoo asshole to replace your ass. Get a hold of shit... man.

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