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Yellowcard - Ocean Avenue

Choggie Gets the Big 500!!! (Eia Talk Post)

test (Blog Entry by choggie)

Obamarama (Blog Entry by BicycleRepairMan)

thesnipe says...

I was campaigning all night, the vote is tomorrow. I found some idiots who put Hillary signs right outside the polling place, let's just say those signs aren't there anymore

Michio Kaku - Profile of a Physicist

Dramatic Effects of Omega 3 on Rat Brain Function

Super Mario Theme on Chapman Stick

Michio Kaku - Profile of a Physicist

thesnipe says...

Agreed fissionchips, honestly I've been to his lectures at CUNY and they are phenomenal. He may sound shallow but he's able to communicate advanced concepts to students on a level I have not seen yet by any professor.

Yellowcard - Ocean Avenue

KT Tunstall - Walk Like an Egyptian

Well, Caucusing was interesting (Blog Entry by MarineGunrock)

thesnipe says...

^ Republicans will be steamrolled by the Obama/Clinton ticket- but I suppose they have to go through the motions.

It's just like sex, no matter how much BS you promise you know it won't hold up in the end.

Magic Stick, Revealed!

Beautiful Photography: 30 Days of Earth Shots

kronosposeidon (Member Profile)

thesnipe says...

Crap!!!! Not to mention that we're already in competition with the drummer, that just brings me down another notch.

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
LOL! BTW, you're never going to score with the lovely Ms. Tunstall if she sees how you spelled "Egyptian" wrong in the title.

In reply to this comment by thesnipe:
How'd you know?! But in all fairness you did call dibs first so I'll stop cockblocking

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
Sniper, I'm getting the distinct impression that you're in love with KT Tunstall. Too bad, because I saw her first! Back off, bucko.

kronosposeidon (Member Profile)

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