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Queen - Another One Bites The Dust Live at Wembly '86

The Atomic Cannon - 1953 Test Footage

thesnipe says...

My grandfather was a Col. in the Army at the time and called away from the family for this test. It was all kept Top Secret and they were not allowed to talk about the operation. The whole concept was to hide in the trenches explode it just enough above the surface as to keep the ground radiation to a minimum so the soldiers could move in right away.

This tactic is still on the board and I believe there were many more tests than this one.


Dashboard Confessional Thick As Thieves

The Boondocks - Gangstalisious - Homies Over Hoes

The 'Hot β' Tab: Who else besides me has a dirty mind? (Sift Talk Post)

Yellowcard - Ocean Avenue

The Boondocks - Gangstalisious - Homies Over Hoes

Ron Hextall Highlights

thesnipe says...

Ron Hextall is THE shit. One of the BEST goalies ever, not to mention his awesome aggressiveness in keeping the crease clear. I still remember watching in awe when he used to come out of the crease and cross over the blue line to stop a breakaway.

[edit] Welcome to the Flyers Hall of Fame, Hextall!

gorgonheap (Member Profile)

thesnipe says...

Yeah! I'm beginning to love Eureka 7 and thankfully I can catch the beginning episodes on On Demand and record them from there! It's a great series, have you given it a try?

In reply to this comment by gorgonheap:
I feel the same way about Fullmetal Alchemist and Ghost in the Shell. I wait for them to be put up on Adult Swim even though I own the seasons.

In reply to this comment by thesnipe:
Kick ass, I miss this show, even though I own the box set I'm normally too lazy to go watch the dvd

gorgonheap (Member Profile)

SNL Celebrity Jeopardy Compilation

kronosposeidon (Member Profile)

please, i'm begging you people (Blog Entry by smibbo)

So you are hungry, and have $2000 sitting around

Nuclear artillery is a BAD idea

thesnipe says...

My grandfather was a Col. in the Army at the time and called away from the family for this test. It was all kept Top Secret and they were not allowed to talk about the operation. The whole concept was to hide in the trenches explode it just enough above the surface as to keep the ground radiation to a minimum so the soldiers could move in right away.

This tactic is still on the board and I believe there were many more tests than this one.

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