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Guy flips his car in a novel way

Guy flips his car in a novel way

thegrimsleeper says...

Yep and also making it look like it was recorded on a phone in 2003.

Payback said:

You mean like drawing circles around the car and repeating it twelve times getting slower and slower until it's more like a slide show, then drawing an arrow where the car hit (or at least scared the crap out of) his partner?

Guy flips his car in a novel way

Guy flips his car in a novel way

chicchorea (Member Profile)

lucky760 (Member Profile)

thegrimsleeper says...

I just submitted a new video and it works. Thanks!

I did however notice that the length of the video is not automatically set when you validate the embed so I checked and it's also possible to get the duration of the video through the new api.

lucky760 said:

Good point. I've updated our thumbnail getter.

Do you have an example Vimdeo video to test on?

lucky760 (Member Profile)

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