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Stopped and frisked: "all you do is weaken this country"

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st0nedeye says...

Regimes supported

Juan Vicente Gomez, Venezuela, 1908-1935.
Jorge Ubico, Guatemala, 1931-1944.
Fulgencio Batista, Republic of Cuba 1952-1959.
Syngman Rhee, Republic of Korea (South Korea), 1948-1960.
Rafael Trujillo, Dominican Republic, 1930-1961.[citation needed]
Ngo Dinh Diem, Republic of Vietnam (South Vietnam), 1955-1963.
Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, Iran, 1953-1979.
Anastasio Somoza Garcia, Nicaragua, 1967-1979.
Military Junta in Guatemala, 1954-1982.
Military Junta in Bolivia, 1964-1982.[citation needed]
Military Junta in Argentina, 1976-1983.
Brazilian military government, 1964-1985.
François Duvalier and Jean-Claude Duvalier, Republic of Haiti, 1957-1971; 1971-1986.[citation needed]
Alfredo Stroessner, Paraguay, 1954-1989.[citation needed]
Ferdinand Marcos, Philippines, 1965-1986.[8][9]
General Manuel Noriega, Republic of Panama, 1983-1989.
General Augusto Pinochet, Chile, 1973-1990.
Saddam Hussein, Republic of Iraq, 1982-1990.
General (military), Suharto Republic of Indonesia, 1975-1995.
Mobutu Sese Seko, Zaire/Congo, 1965-1997.
Hosni Mubarak, Egypt, 1981-2011.
Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, Kingdom of Bahrain, 2012.
Saudi royal family, 2012.
Islam Karimov, Uzbekistan, 1991-2012.[10]
Meles Zenawi, Ethiopia, 1995-2012.[11]
Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, Equatorial Guinea, 2006-2012.[12]

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Guy Beats DUI Checkpoint With Silence

st0nedeye says...

As far as "balls of steel", I dunno bout that. My suggestion for those who wind up being stopped by one of these check points do exactly what this guy did, AND RECORD IT. If they try and fuck you over, sue, get a few grand out of it and go out and get drunk....or something.

Guy Beats DUI Checkpoint With Silence

st0nedeye says...

DUI checkpoints are usually considered "voluntary" stops. Because it's not considered a detainment, the scope of what the police can demand (as opposed to ask) is greatly reduced.

Some checkpoints, while certainly intended to find drunks, are classified as "vehicle safety checks" and in those circumstances they cops can usually demand license, registration, and proof of ins. This wasn't one of those.

song77 said:

most people cant just roll through, did he produce a licence, he may have been drunk, where was his insurance/ registration. The cop is inept and lazy

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