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Who Built the Moon?!

A Hymn for Atheists

Brutal 360 Roundhouse Kick Knockout

srue says...

I fought for my college karate team, and (if it wasn't already obvious to everyone) this type of kick is very difficult to pull off. Normal spin kicks (also difficult to land accurately) are done with the back leg. The front leg acts as a pivot that never leaves the ground, or perhaps hops a little due to momentum. This is the type of kick the defender is expecting - you can see him lower his arms to block the first leg. In this video, the kicker spins through and uses the pivot foot for the kick. The kick is delayed, so the defenders arms are out of position, and he enjoys an unblocked path to the defender's skull. There is a good bit of luck involved here, but the skill in placing the kick and generating the force is fantastic. Very impressive.

Tim Minchin On The Late Late Show: If I Didn't Have You

Tightrope Grandmasters. Gymnastics meets the high wire.

Vegan Black Metal Chef

srue says...

Awesome video. Odd that he spends so much time telling vegans (or people interested in vegan cooking) how to press tofu. I'm pretty sure they know how to do that already.

Letterman Begs Brian Williams to not go on Leno's show

srue says...

I agree, Williams is a class act. There's a lot of pressure to just agree with the host, but he holds his ground and refuses to say anything bad about Jay. I can't stand Leno, but Letterman was just tacky here.

Best Opening Scene of a Movie ever... why? No Reason.

Super Mario Bros if it had next-gen sound effects

Russian Women Kiss Female Cops in Flesh Mob

srue says...

Congratulations! You were rude to someone on the internet! Fortunately people like you are relatively rare on VideoSift.

Anyway, regardless of whether performance art affects opinions, I don't think you get to force unconsenting people to kiss you in the name of art. Once people clearly resist I think you have to stop. I guess that makes me boring. Can you seriously tell me the police women in the video were "reformed" in the intended manner? An assault like this is more likely to have the opposite effect.

>> ^Yogi:

Are you challenging the effect Performance Art has on peoples opinions...because I'm certain you're incredibly boring.

Russian Women Kiss Female Cops in Flesh Mob

srue says...

Is this not low-grade sexual assault? Don't these officers have a right to choose who they kiss and who kisses them? This doesn't seem like an effective way to make the police "more relaxed," "liberated," or "light-hearted."

Stewart Lee on the death of Princess Diana

srue says...

At the beginning he refers to the "ninth of November." It never occurred to me that Europeans would hear "9/11" and get the month/day switched.

The Asch Experiment


Cee Lo's Fuck You in Sign Language, SO Cool!

srue says...

To answer some questions here, yes, this is ASL. Although most Deaf people would probably call it "signed English," since it uses English sentence structure.

Regarding the "mirror" aspect of ASL, your observation is accurate. ASL is considered a one-handed language, meaning that one dominant hand controls the signing. When another hand it used, it is almost always mirroring the dominant hand or not moving at all. A left-handed person would use their left hand as the dominant signing hand. Compare this to British Sign Language, a two-handed language, that uses both hands in distinct ways for most signs.

Naturally there are tons of crude signs in ASL. The girl in this video may not have known them or perhaps chose not to use them. They typically don't get taught in ASL classes. ASL has a great variety of regional differences, which is why some people may know difference signs for "fuck." Also, signs evolve over time. Some signs that were once considered perfectly fine are now rude or inappropriate (see "Irish"; the terms for gay and lesbian are also heading this direction).

Finally, a lot of popular proper nouns do have their own signs, but not all. I am not sure if Ferrari and Atari do.

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