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When the President can kill whoever he wants.

srd says...

Nice video, however the spin you're trying to give it doesn't quite fit. The US has been acting like an international schoolyard bully for a very, very long time now. So whats different now that causes all the outrage? That it's starting to bully its own people? That it's "Number One!" in political assassinations with non-human mediators?

Ron Paul put it nicely in that clip, when he said in so many words "at least we've tried to keep it a secret before". I wonder if you can name one administration of the past 60 years that didn't engage in these tactics.

Nobody Can Predict The Moment Of Revolution (Occupy Wall St)

srd says...

>> ^Mikus_Aurelius:

On the other hand, using force to bring change to a democracy is trampling on the rights of the majority that supports the system.

Well yes, but is the majority that supports the system also a majority of the people gouverned by said system? If we (rather simplistically) assume that people who vote support democracy, then we get the following: For the US (according to wikipedia) the percentage of registered voters who actually voted for a president has been sitting around the 50% mark since 1972. Doesn't take many non registered voters to make the supporters of the system a minority.

As a by-note, most of western countries are a republic, not a true democracy. There is at least one level of abstraction between what you vote for and what comes out at the top. The swiss are pretty close though.

Pro Gamer Brings His Puppy to a Team Match

srd says...

Something is very wrong with one of the commentators.
"He looks cute, he acts cute, he smells cute, [...]"
"I just want to pet him and... [awkward pause]"

I'm getting the feeling that he's a former reader of

Drinking Homeopathic Bleach

Downhill tricycle racing at 55MPH!


laura (Member Profile)

Free Climbing Done Epic

Qntal - Palästinalied

srd says...

This song has been around since the 5th crusade (1217-1221) and has a lot of modern reinterpretations. However Qntals versions are easily some of the best.

Some more information on the Palästinalied kann be found here, including a partial translation into modern english (unfortunately not a side-by-side version of the lyrics).

These guys REALLY don't want to jump out of the plane!

Sulphuric Acid - This is why you don't want to mess with it

hgc drops

NORAD on 9/11: What was the U.S. military doing that day?

srd says...

>> ^MycroftHomlz:

And damn straight, I want @dag to look at his comments and consider hobbling him for 1) making profane and inappropriate comments not in jest 2) posting ridiculously long "copy and paste" walls of text.
I don't like it when anyone does it. And it has nothing to do with your beliefs. This is the crap that makes people want to leave the sift. It is time to call people on it.

I've thought about wading in here for 10 minutes, but hey, I'm bored

Wrt 1.: you are aware of how that ridiculous statement makes you sound? (Hint: Prudish old lady who is shocked, nay, dismayed at that loutish language!)

2.: FWIW, I wouldn't consider quoting/pasting information relevant to the video at hand trollish. On the contrary, according to the urban dictionary definition of a troll, I'd say your comments on this page are a lot closer to that definition.

I can't really see why you're getting so worked up over this - if you don't like what marbles has to say, there is that little 'ignore' link next to his comments that you can click. Problem solved and no bruised egos anywhere

God Saves Graduation from Evil Atheist

Dark Energy

srd jokingly says...

"One way to visualize the stretching wavelengths is to look at how waves of sounds, which are similar to waves of light, change."

*stares intently at the sound waves* Nope, not seeing it.

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