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Huge amounts of Coal Seam Gas bubbling in Australian River

spoco2 says...

I know bugger all about this, but wouldn't this be actually useful for something? Do they just let it get out like this with no care as they're after other things, or can they not control this when using fracking?

VideoSift 5.0 Launch! (Sift Talk Post)

What should the default color scheme of VideoSift be? (User Poll by dag)

spoco2 says...

I really dislike dark themes in general, makes me think of my early days of creating crap web pages on the web in 1996 (man, was it that long ago?).

The light theme overall is really nice, but I agree that blue on grey, especially the top video list on the right, is really hard to read. Possibly just needs to be a heavier font, as the bolded words are easy to read.

To me, dark themes feel really, really old, or amateur for the most part. Also, white text on black backgrounds burns an image into my eyes... I'm left with a ghost image for a while after looking at a site like that.


And fix the blue.

Mr Blobby on The Big Fat Quiz of the 90s

spoco2 says...

Initially I was fricken terrified by that thing... but then I was crying with laughter, that is fucking comedy GOLD...

So damn funny.

Remind me to come back and promote this when there aren't fifteen million things in the promoted box on the site...

Australian bus racists abuse French woman [w/ commentary]

spoco2 says...

It's so hard to not just want dickheads like this just removed from society, just taken out of altogether because they just have no right to live around other people. I've seen a share of fucktards like this on trains/at stations, and I just wish they were fenced off from the rest of the country and allowed to die off.

But that's not really the solution is it? The reason these fuckwits exist is fear and lack of education. This absolutely horrible, abhorrent mindset is born out of living a life that is insular and not exposed to people of other cultures and backgrounds and discovering that really it's ok that people exist that are 'different' to you, and the vast majority of people from any culture are really nice and just want a happy life. And the fear comes from thinking that these 'other' people are going to make you the minority instead of them, and thinking that you're losing your 'power'.


*promote this horrible reality of some people in Australia. I'd love to believe that all of us here were as accepting as the majority of us are, but the fact is there's this entire set of horrible, racist shitheads, and there's an entire other set of people who aren't 'bad' people but have this racist undercurrent to them that comes up every now and again, and you are taken aback and go 'Fuck me, I'd never have guessed that you could feel that way about a whole race of people'

It just fucking saddens me. Any time I see something in the media about people being racist here I so want it not to be true.

Most Epic Camera Glitch On Desert Bus For Hope

Bomb Explodes Right Near Anderson Cooper During Live Report

Batman Can't Stop Thinking About Sex

With this show, TV has finally reached it's cultural apex...

spoco2 says...

Wow, that's... wow.

So, we take freshman initiation bullshit rituals and put them on TV now?

Fuck me, could not get through that, such a horrendous waste of air time.

You should always have your helmet on.. never mind the rest

Dragon House - Illusion Of Choice (Dubstep) Awesome!

spoco2 says...

Now that's *quality dancing!

This sort of dancing is magic for cool people. It's all about creating illusions with your body. It takes as much practice to get this good too.

Great stuff.

David Letterman - Anna Kendrick's Song and Cup Trick

Can you Feel the Sexual Tension in this Folgers Ad?

Key & Peele: I'm Retired

Most Epic Camera Glitch On Desert Bus For Hope

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