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Myth Busters: The Diet Coke & Mentos Fountain Secrets!!!

Myth Busters: The Diet Coke & Mentos Fountain Secrets!!!

sowatsurpointdude says...

man i just saw this about 2 weeks ago on the disovery channel. still an all time favorite.

P.S.- they also trieds the nitrogen gas+2 litter empy soda bottle, plz dont try i dont want you to get hurt :-), the "chip can deal wit two matches explosion/ getting chip put without harming chips" and a little trick i like to call "catastrophy day". It was a fun episode that it was.(in other words, they tried bubbles and fire torch, again plz dont try thi at home). if bsna watched the show you can ask him about the rest of the show.


Awesome new how-to video site: (Sift Talk Post)

Greatest Hits: Aircrashes!

sowatsurpointdude says...

We honor those who have fallen in such tragedies and salute those who survived these grousom events. And I see it only fair that the families of these such soilders be honored as well for there childrens service in the line of duty. Must we also include those in other events not senn on footage. Sepher fi.

Underground nuke explosion

Bush's embarrassing escape attempt

sowatsurpointdude says...

Snake, all im trying to say is if u have a REAL reason to kill someone(for example them being a mass murderer)then its not called murdering. But if u kill someone for them getting on your nerves, then thats called murder. If you want get on Google and check the differance between killing and murdering, but be wary. Many things on there are untrustworty so be careful. Hope I didnt provoke your statemeant in any way(your feelings).

Underground nuke explosion

sowatsurpointdude says...

i guess i was over reacting over the entire thing. i apoligize. but i still dont understand how an underground nuke conversation went to talking about God, to alchohol(leave me out) then to movies, then to religoius beliefs. all to much to me.

*shakes head and slowly walks away, expecting someone to reply*

The Tony Hawk of Bicycles? (Check it out!)

Underground nuke explosion

sowatsurpointdude says...

for one thing this is how i write on the computer, u dont like it then fine dont like it. plus i rarely use the spellcheck cuz i forget about it most of the time.

now to my understandind "most" Babtist churches r "once saved always saved" which is a total lie from Hell! and i dont c why u most critisize me of ever little thing. sure i wrtite like this but dude when u said" a disgrace of christains " that was the wrong thing to say. u culdve said"it was bad and very impatiently wrote", c the difference. and i believe in my God, the only real God of this universe. whether u believe in my God or ur money god or idol god, ur still right and wrong of what u say, but not right with God. i aint judging u jst correcting my sayements. if u want me to correct anything else jst ask. oh ya, at least someone sticks up for me(i hope),thz dag.

Underground nuke explosion

sowatsurpointdude says...

of what we kno of the universe is that its bigger than what we can imagine, and when God said "let there be light" ther was light, 186,000 miles per second. that measn that light is still being spread in the universe (by what scientists say).

plus i kno that its the end times becuz the bible declares that(not word for word)God's people(Isreal)shall be attacked, but will not be defeated. Isreal will not be defeated untill the anti-christ comes in with the 7-years-of-peace deal. after a few years he will than revail his true idenity and "crush Isreal", however God will come back in and intervien with that. thats when the 168,000 Jews will be saved. than the rest u can read in the bible for urself(Revelation and parts of Luke).

also deathocw there is one more thing u forgot to add to that "better living" in the 17th century. for one christians were persecuted for there beleifs(no Cathelacs arnt saved, unless the dont believe in worshipping to mary and othe idols)and burnt on a stake.(note: true christians were percecuted "most" of the time)plus hanging back then was driving a wooden stake(7-9ft in length)through ther bottom(yes its all true),true ther back,than hanging them,and sometimes burning them. no batter than it was back than than it was today in the 17th century.

now for one last thing, i learned most of this from the bible, the rest from my local pastor(who is spirit filled).

and my last point, deathcow what is in space we cannot fathom to think and imagine. only God and his Son(Jesus, who r the same) knos.

Jesus comes of the time that he knos not for sure when it exactly will be(the time, date, etc). all i need to focus on mainily now is being faiful to God and trying to bring many more souls to Christ Jesus before he comes back. DeathCow u have many questions witout answers, but mabye u may find out soon enough. remember, life on thi Earth is short, but living eternally(in Heaven or Hell)is eternall, peace and joy or destruction and pain. u chose.

"leave a message over the beep"


You know things are bad when Joe Scarborough is asking if Bush is an idiot...

Underground nuke explosion

sowatsurpointdude says...

ill answer ur questions joedirt.

1)yes we r in the end times

2)im gonna go be wit jesus when he comes back,the rapture.

3)u dont wanna be stuck here than get saved{ok that wasnt a question, jst an answer}.

does that help u out and ur questions? if u want to ask mre questions leave a message after the beep.


Bush's embarrassing escape attempt

Weiner Dog in Plane Starts Floating Unexpectedly - He's Lucky the Windows were Closed (23 secs)

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