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Cereal Poltergeist

Woman breaks chopsticks with her ass

Prophetic South Park: Mel Gibson is f*&kin' crazy

Armored Bulldozer Destroys Town - AWESOME!

servoisgod says...

Only in America...

Yeah I guess that's true. We could do something more constructive like suicide bomb innocent people in a restaurant or something. Sorry, just venting on people from other countries that think that they have a utopian society. Not saying that ThwartedEfforts or lptrp are NOT from the US also and just commenting on stupid people. We all have our issues and to me, this is one reason why there is so much crap going on in this world, because people think that they are better then everyone else. We’re all in this together folks.

Three Amigos - Blue Shadows

Dane Cook Kool-aid man animation

servoisgod says...

Yeah, Dane Cook is one of the best comics out there right now. To me he just always seems to bring things up that I personally get. Like his whole watching the drunk guy skit.

The Swedish Chef - Cooking With Spegetti ! (Something simple to enjoy!)

"Psychic" Uri Gellar gets pwned on "The Tonight Show"

Bike Theft Gone Horribly Wrong (The Neistat Brothers punk Fox News reporter Jodi Applegate)

Hummer: can't drive over rocks

servoisgod says...

GOD I hate the H2 and H3 for that matter. The only true Hummer is the original! (and well the kind you get from girls ) These people that buy these turds deserve the shitty gas mileage along with an SUV that doesn't do shit.

Office Perv

SpongeBob SquarePants in China

Star Trek TOS Knights of the Round Table

What happens when you leave your phone number on Youtube.

Israeli Forces Shoot at Fox Reporters in Gaza

servoisgod says...

Oh my god...did that one guy ask why they were shot at? WTF do you think for! No one gives a $hit if you are press or medical or anything durring war time. This is what makes Americans look stupid...people like this.

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