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Teen Hugging Prompts Parental Hysteria

sallyjune says...

This just in, "No goddamn hugging aloud in Phoenix and Oregon, detention and greasy lunches for all found in violation of administrative mandate! Forbidden as well, any public display of aggressive salutations or *unacceptable gestures." *see school handbook for diagrams of gestures

Scientology on Trial in France (Religion Talk Post)

Malfunctioning Dog is actually a Jazz singer

sallyjune says...

Jeeeez, if that's not doctored in post-production, I'd say the dog was raised around spontaneous improvisation alla listening to a steady diet of hard bop! The damn pooch has developed an eidetic ear! Weirdest pet skill ever seen!! Call Letterman!! Better yet, breed her with another with similar "malfunctions" and start a new breed of poodle!

Call em Bud Powells! Or Thelonius'. Someone add this to the jazz channel!

Aw hell, doctored! Knew it was too good to be true!

Silly fun there, tweaker!

Scientology on Trial in France (Religion Talk Post)

San Francisco fire fighter crushed by falling debris

sallyjune says...

My sympathy and condolences for his family, friends, fellow firefighters in his house as well as the city-Leave them to grieve and remember and keep the local news within the confines of the broadcast area. Why is this sift-worthy? Is it for the death and destruction and human suffering and loss appeal?? Do you enjoy fires?? This is what the local news is for-plenty of that there, and not enough room on the servers for * quality, videos. If I were able to down vote I would.

"the roof falls at"....Who gives a rat's ass, rubbernecker!!?, For that matter, "Hey, you with the camera and the color who uploaded this to youtube????!! Fucking get a life!

The Dagfather gets his Silver Diamond, suspects Barzini (80s Talk Post)

sallyjune says...

Congratulations. Perhaps some money for your site as soon as we see some housework and "fatherly love" for the children you so dearly depend upon while allowing them to finger paint on the walls of the temple!

New Channel - *Fail (Eia Talk Post)

Helicopter as a lawn mower

Conservative radio hosts gets waterboarded, calls it Torture

sallyjune says...

It's torture. End of discussion how about it?? The subject should have been concluded 823,467 video submissions ago, then perhaps,
"Move the hell on."

Funny how with 21 comment upvotes for the "Hannity" comment one can see aaaaallll the folks who have wasted time listening to the man. He has, thank the gods, still a place on the air-waves to continue to sell ad time with his blubbering. He's a weasel on par with most politicians and its fortunate we still have not gone the way of censorship with am/fm talk radio-Freedom of speech is really no freedom at all now days, however, bondage be evidenced here by the willingness of the common man to grab a torch and head to the castle. Any good regime change needs help from self-righteous, fervent, automatons.

Book burning in the 21st century present day amounts to shutting down any speech that offends anyone in any way. NWO is full of those ready to sacrifice true freedoms. Doesn't take a brain surgeon to read a teleprompter-masses are swayed with reason sacrificed on the altar of emotionalism.

A dental suggestion (Eia Talk Post)

sallyjune says...

An ounce of prevention, a pound of lower dental bills. Root canals run around $900 these days. The next step is to go in and have all the little places where carries may take hold dealt with, simple filler composite. Then a straightening and whitening. Teeth are high on the list of dynamic first impressions. Spend a little at a time and avoid the major payouts.

Go for bling. A gold or platinum cap is worth more to you in the long run. Titanium is unique but more expensive. Aircraft technology in your mouth, now that's cool!

Conservative radio hosts gets waterboarded, calls it Torture

sallyjune says...

"you want to stick your head in the sand and live your life simply to make life "comfortable and enjoyable for you and yours."

Assumptions and perception-bound assessments that make one feel comfortable when faced with veracity are infantile and counter-productive. youmadelkittymad goes from one extreme to another with my suggestions. Did not say stop using money. Did not offer who might be included in the "you and yours": Could have included the planet's entire population now couldn't it. Enoch? You don't have to do anything you do not desire nor are compelled to do.

"farm or build things?" Inferred without evidence or acceptable reasoning.
Merely stated fact. That this issue of water boarding is represented here as some undeniable subject which must be resolved, that stopping it will make people feel better about what part they may have had in its cessation, and that there are an inordinate amount of videos posted on this site (and others) about it and that due to the programming pumped into homes and minds, through major media outlets, which are owned by folks who wish to guide the minds of the easily led. We have a nation in the U.S., of somnambuloids.

Much more important are the day's issues of some far more meaningful significance. Find those videos. It's much more easy to please the crowd and accumulate votes finding thousands about water boarding.

*the mob grows restless as meaning rears its ugly head
My head is as far out of the sand as a satellite in low orbit.

Most politicians are sucking the teat of special interest and lean increasingly more towards state control. Not all. The few that are not are the minority and get no air-time save to lambast and deride them.

One must try harder to chop a head off using a dull edge. Few more swings perhaps??

How To Hijack a Sift Talk Post (Howto Talk Post)

Conservative radio hosts gets waterboarded, calls it Torture

sallyjune says...

"...have to hold themselves fully accountable to the law. And that is the problem the Republicans and conservatives have"

Why do people continually make distinctions between republicrats and demicons? Party affiliation has very little to do with this issue. So what if water boarding is torture or not? For some, having to listen to people take sides with either party while discussing the politics of the United States is torture. For some, it's excruciating torture to have people who are seemingly educated, with the alleged ability to think critically, continually taking sides with one hydra's head or the other-Almost as mind-numbingly mundane as seeing video after video on the dead-horse subject of whether or not water boarding is torture.
Jesus, why not discuss whether or not the programming of a nation to take one side or the other on an issue is acceptable or healthy? Robotic media junkies with walking papers from the majority of secondary schools or universities in the western hemisphere somehow tend to become more and more self-righteous and religious in their fervor, as the geopolitical chaos becomes increasingly non-linear.

The semantics of the present day represented in a great deal of threads here on Videosift with political themes is what is torture...the English language being daily butchered to include more "newsspeak" at the sacrifice of common sense and intuition. It's painful to watch as the space on these servers is clogged with more and more armchair editorials of political events by lackeys and dupes who watch too much goddamn television.

Been lurking here for some time and and felt the need to address what should be obvious to most people satisfied with such diversion: That discussing these subjects ad-infinitum is counter-productive and a waste of brain time. Why belabor and moan while ignoring the masterful deception of news organizations in keeping the people of a nation preoccupied with simple symptoms of a greater problem-That of what is now an obvious puppet government in the U.S., and a nation whose peoples become more moronic and unable to process simple information with each new generation, who are convinced that more laws, and more prohibitions are the obvious way to repair the damage. Shut up about water boards, Gitmo, republicans and democrats, police brutality, etc already. Everyone let the shit get this way, no one is without fault. For fucks' sake, ween yourselves of the use of traditional currency for a change or learn some applicable skill to make your life on police planet a bit more comfortable and enjoyable for you and yours.
Happy to have offended the misguided sensibilities of the majority.

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