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Sliding Cars in Seattle Ice/Snow on 11/22/10

sadicious says...

So, they don't know how to not lock their breaks? I think the first vehicle had anti-lock.

Sucks to have insurance in that area. "There have been 50 claims in that area so we are increasing your premiums by 300%"

Crazy Kids Chill on 900 ft Tower

sadicious says...

This looks imitatable!

Reminds me of when I use to climb trees that were (or at the time, seemed) 4 stories tall. The drop in this video is only slightly more deadly but has a much stronger structure.

Fastest Soccer Goalkeeper in History

sadicious says...

There is nothing optical or an illusion about this, but your point is sound. Someone who has to do one full sprint in the match is much faster then anyone who is expected to dodge around the field for 90 minutes, even more so for one of the others also dribbling a ball about.
>> ^lucky760:

I think it's mostly an optical illusion because the main point of reference is trying to dribble the ball, not run full speed ahead.

G20 Toronto - Police Rape Threats, Strip Search - Amy Miller

Racist Cat

Jonah Hill on The Daily Show

Joe Rogan & Lou Dibella debate UFC vs. Boxing

sadicious says...

I watch UFC. Sadly I haven't gotten into the other leagues. Most of the non-entertaining fights I find stem from the rules being done up by boxing commissions. If they mixed a few things from Pride into UFC it would be fantastic.

- Make the first round longer.
- Make non-aggression be a heavy penalty.
- Allow draws, or deal with draws in a logical way.

Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World - Full Trailer

Lego Printer using felt tip pen.

What if Glenn Beck Made Sense All the Time?

Deus Ex:Human Revolution Teaser

sadicious says...

OMG. I want to play now. Please don't suck!

Actually, even if someone were to take the original game, and just toss it a graphics upgrade, that would sell. Nintendo knows this. They've been doing it for years with the Zelda series.

Modern Warfare - Drone Controllers At Work

sadicious says...

>> ^BoneRemake:
>> ^Jinx:
How is the distance between Nevada and Iraq any different from the distance between a bomber and its target, or from an Artillery gun to its target. Is engaging your enemy only when you see the whites of their eyes somehow more palatable? Who'd have thought the most user friendly interface for shooting people in Virtual Reality would eventually be adopted to real life. You should all welcome it. Is it mere coincidence that collateral from modern wars is much less than from 100 years ago? Do you think thats because of improved weapons technology and training, or do you think its because todays GIs are saints compared to their 1945 brothers?
Yeah, guided missiles are better at not killing stuff.

I believe you are wrong. It is a difference because your taking life without the chance of your being taken. Its no different than playing halo online with some god mode, you get to live while everyone else dies. War in itself is wrong unless your purely defending imho. Look at that I did it without calling you a douche. A sense of pride overcomes me.

This is also much like when guns were invented. The further you are from your enemy when you attack, the less likely you'll witness any harm to yourself.

I believe this is misdirected anger. Being able to click a button and have someone die somewhere else on the planet is scary stuff. The real problem is the imaginary need to do this.

At the end of the day, the people in the position of those in the video likely have the same issue of knowing that they executed x number of people. I play violent video games in bliss, knowing nobody is harmed by my actions.

Obama To Republicans: 'You Had Ten Years'

Tron Legacy (Full trailer)

sadicious says...

Avatar was the only 3D movie I saw. Fairly new theatre too so I'm guessing they had it done correctly. It was a neat gimick but until they allow the focus to be based on where the viewer is looking on the scene, I think its total garbage and a big waste of time.

That being said.... I really really hope this movie is great.

BMW XXXL Tablecloth Pull

sadicious says...

>> ^Drachen_Jager:
Well the long tablecloth is technically not much more difficult than a small one would be for a motorcycle to pull. I'd say it's real, the lack of movement is because the motorcycle can pull much more smoothly and unidirectionally than a human arm can.

Except, the items on closer to the direction of the pull will have a much longer time of friction being applied to them. Considering many items on the table were very light and had a low static friction, something should of at least 'moved'.

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