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No matter where you are Zorro saves the day!

Record-breaking Weather Like You've Never Imagined

ryanbennitt says...

It always seems to me that the problem with climate change debate is one side says such and such fluctuation shows that climate change is/isn't happening, and all this video does is repeat that yet again. But the thing about climate change isn't that it hasn't been like this in the past, because it has. The real problem is that since the human race started screwing with things, the climate is now changing around 200 times faster than it ever has before.

Perpetual Ocean - Stunning time lapse of ocean currents

ryanbennitt says...

>> ^TheSluiceGate:

Not strictly perpetual: ocean currents are caused by winds, which are in turn caused by the earth's rotation. And the earth's rotation is slowing down, infinitesimally, all the time.
But your point is valid and there are many research programs to this effect:

No, winds are just currents in air that is 1000 times less dense than the surface water, and maybe only 10-100 times faster at best, their effect on currents small. The earth's rotation, the moon's gravity, the sun's heat, plus any underwater volcanoes and vents all supply energy into the system and the underwater topography funnels the effects of these to provide the startling display we have just witnessed.

Awesome Touch Screen Universe Map

"Say HI To The Nice People"

Cat Trap

Alzheimer's Awareness Campaign Is Pure Genius

Santorum: Obama a Snob: He Wants Your Kids to go to College

ryanbennitt says...

Santorum has realised that what the US really needs is to be competitive on the world market and its a waste to educate people to any level when you want them to work in sweat shops for no money under harsh working conditions. He's dreaming of a cold economic war with China.

Brave - Disney/Pixar - Sneak Peek Clip

1945 Japanese Balloon Bombs to North America

Amsterdam's Canals Are Frozen For The First Time In 15 Years

Rick Mercer: Rant: Be Afraid

Europe: Lost Without Christianity

A shocking secret about your favorite dinosaurs

How to Trick People into Thinking you're Rich Jenna Marbles

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