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Veteran shot in the face by Police at Occupy Oakland

rougy says...

>> ^Phreezdryd:

I might think someone getting shot in the face with a tear gas canister could be an accident, but lobbing a flash grenade into a crowd forming around someone injured is downright malicious.

That's the guy we want.

If the Oakland PD is worth its salt, they should be able to figure out who did that.

That's the bastard who needs to turn in his badge, no compromise, no debate.

Illinois Bribes Corporate America to Stay

Old Lady Overdubs Adult Films

Why we need to protect Social Security

Multi-Millionaire Rep. Says He Can’t Afford A Tax Hike

Class Warfare? Andrew Breitbart says, "Bring It On"

Cenk Uygur Joins Current TV

"Building 7" Explained

rougy says...

>> ^shponglefan:

So are Bigfoot, Nessie and the Roswell aliens...
>> ^rougy:
Whoever attacked America on 9/11 is still out there

9/11 was not a myth or an urban legend, but the official investigation was.

@Yogi - did you actually take the time to tell me that everybody dies? Wow. Deep.

"Building 7" Explained

rougy says...

>> ^aurens:

>> ^rougy:
"Forensic" also means to closely study the evidence to better determine who committed the crime, something that was not allowed on any of the 9/11 attack sites.
It is possible to remove debris and still inspect it closely. That was not done for any of the WTC sites.
It would be nice to see a link of that Bingham FOI tape you mentioned. A retired military officer, a colonel I believe, questioned the plane theory on the simple fact that there were no wing marks on the Pentagon building. The official video tape released by the Pentagon is an obvious farce.
Whoever was behind 9/11 is still at large, and it wasn't Al Qaeda.

Video from the Doubletree Hotel:
Where do you get this idea that no one was allowed to study the evidence at any of the attack sites? What does that even mean? Are you objecting to the fact that civilians like you or I weren't allowed to walk up and start poking around in the rubble? And how can you possibly claim that none of the debris was closely inspected? How do you think one finds the body parts of human beings amongst that much rubble without closely inspecting the debris? 184 of 189 of the people who died in the attack at the Pentagon were positively identified by investigators. Yet you claim these investigators didn't exist?
"An obvious farce"? Really? Again, where is your evidence?

Thanks for taking the time to post the video you mentions. I personally found it to be worthless. It shows nothing. It also appears to have been tampered with.

Most of the evidence was summarily destroyed, which is why it's so easy for the people who buy the official 9/11 story to say "Where's the evidence?"

Forgive me for skipping the link, because I can't think of the right keywords for Google, but there was a fire inspector who was very angry at how the WTC cleanup was handled. He said that his team was not allowed to investigate the evidence, and that he was only shown partial examples of the building, offsite, after it had been sifted by the cleanup officials.

I'm done. I know I won't change your mind. Not even gonna try, really, but others will listen.

Whoever attacked America on 9/11 is still out there, and their arrogance will hang them yet.

"Building 7" Explained

rougy says...

"Forensic" also means to closely study the evidence to better determine who committed the crime, something that was not allowed on any of the 9/11 attack sites.

It is possible to remove debris and still inspect it closely. That was not done for any of the WTC sites.

It would be nice to see a link of that Bingham FOI tape you mentioned. A retired military officer, a colonel I believe, questioned the plane theory on the simple fact that there were no wing marks on the Pentagon building. The official video tape released by the Pentagon is an obvious farce.

Whoever was behind 9/11 is still at large, and it wasn't Al Qaeda.

"Building 7" Explained

rougy says...

>> ^Skeeve:

How cute, you actually believe it was about oil.
For the cost of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, America could have bought well over a billion barrels of oil at its current price.
Even better, for a minute fraction of the cost, America could have secured deals with oil producing countries to get their oil at lower prices in perpetuity.

How cute, you thought the oil was for America.

Molten metal dripping from WTC2 moments before collapse

rougy says...

And there were many reports of explosions in the basement and lower levels of the buildings.

The NIST never examined any evidence for traces of explosives or thermite, to the best of my knowledge.

"Building 7" Explained

rougy says...

There is no point in talking about this stuff any more.

9/11 was an inside job. The NIST consists of a bunch of pussy yes men.

They never set out to find out what happened on that day. Instead, they came up with a narrative, and set about skewing all of the data models to justify that narrative.

When they get away with a job like 9/11, what the fuck? What can you do?

It infuriates me, and millions of others.

You know what it means, at the bottom of it all?

Our country is a fucking joke.

Inside Out - The Mighty Lemon Drops

School of The Americas - Where the US Teaches Torture

rougy says...

>> ^Yogi:

>> ^rougy:
Because capitalism just isn't the same without a little friendly torture.

Not just "not the same." You can't do have to "Shock" the system. According to the "Shock Doctrine" at least...good read.

It's on my list.

Saw a documentary a while ago about how Friedman and the Chicago school of economics influenced Pinochet and the atrocities in post-Allende Chili. Made my blood boil.

Hardcore capitalists have some kind of fundamental resentment toward the working class and any gains that they may make, however modest.

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